Message from @Dan V

Discord ID: 573624918655369236

2019-05-02 21:37:20 UTC  

What was the edit?

2019-05-02 21:37:39 UTC  

Full disclosure, I know “Oh Canada, our home and native land” and that’s it

2019-05-02 21:37:43 UTC  

I went to a Remembrance day ceremony and we sang the OG and God Save the Queen

2019-05-02 21:38:01 UTC  

I'll just sing it in French if they try to fuck with it too much

2019-05-02 21:38:03 UTC  

instead of the line "In all they sons command" they replaced it with "In everyone's command"

2019-05-02 21:38:09 UTC  

because muh diversity

2019-05-02 21:38:09 UTC  

lol wait, y'all edited your national anthem? talk about cucked

2019-05-02 21:38:13 UTC  

I thought it was in all of us command

2019-05-02 21:38:18 UTC  

oh yeah

2019-05-02 21:38:25 UTC  

that's correct, beeman

2019-05-02 21:38:26 UTC  

Dumb bullshit

2019-05-02 21:38:32 UTC  

i don't even know, i don't sing it

2019-05-02 21:38:33 UTC  

y'all are about as sovereign as a paper bag at this point 😦

2019-05-02 21:38:38 UTC  

That’s the big gay

2019-05-02 21:38:54 UTC  

Trudeau legislation. I've not met a single person who follows it

2019-05-02 21:39:07 UTC  

Waiting on Scheer to at least fix that ez mess

2019-05-02 21:39:19 UTC  

just one more things hes inappropriately touched

2019-05-02 21:39:20 UTC  

and that's surprising considering you're in BC

2019-05-02 21:40:02 UTC  

i'm waiting on Mad Max to tell these faggots how to stop ruining everything

2019-05-02 21:40:11 UTC  

Election is this year right? Who’s gonna win?

2019-05-02 21:40:38 UTC  

the election is in november. at this time, conservatives are trending towards a minority government

2019-05-02 21:40:44 UTC  

the liberals are collapsing

2019-05-02 21:41:10 UTC  

the amount of incompetence of this government has displayed is unlike anything i've ever seen. it's quite impressive

2019-05-02 21:41:28 UTC  

What’s a minority government? I know nothing about the parliamentary style of government

2019-05-02 21:42:00 UTC  

so, beeman can correct me if i'm wrong, but the way it works is that we elect representatives to the federal government

2019-05-02 21:42:10 UTC  

similar to congressmen, they're known as members of parliament

2019-05-02 21:42:37 UTC  

whichever party has the most members in the house of commons (congress) is the ruling party

2019-05-02 21:43:25 UTC  

if the majority of the members of parliament belong to a single party, that party has formed a majority government. the leader of that party is known as the Prime Minister

2019-05-02 21:43:57 UTC  

if a party has less than 50% of the members of parliament but still the most members of parliament, then they have formed a minority government

2019-05-02 21:44:48 UTC  

in 2015, the Liberals had a MAJORITY government and they are on their way losing power

2019-05-02 21:44:51 UTC  

very impressive

2019-05-02 21:45:09 UTC  

Yes, that's about right

2019-05-02 21:45:47 UTC  

We have a regional representation system not unlike the electoral college, wrt parliament/the ruling party

2019-05-02 21:46:06 UTC  

And the Libs had a majority solely because of Harper fatigue

2019-05-02 21:46:30 UTC  

yeah, Harper didn't do himself any favors at the end

2019-05-02 21:46:35 UTC  

but he was pretty good

2019-05-02 21:46:45 UTC  

he kept us out of Iraq

2019-05-02 21:47:01 UTC  

had a budget surplus

2019-05-02 21:47:14 UTC  

our economy didn't tank that bad in 2007

2019-05-02 21:48:23 UTC  

I’ve listened to Stephen Harper on Shapiro’s Sunday Special and I really liked him. There were a couple of things I think I disagreed with him on but I can’t even remember them. Seemed like he had a really good head on his shoulders

2019-05-02 21:48:46 UTC  

The big issue honestly was the 100001 scandals