Message from @Beemann

Discord ID: 579110884039852033

2019-05-17 22:58:34 UTC  


2019-05-17 22:58:37 UTC  

Don't care

2019-05-18 00:13:36 UTC  

unless joe had something to do with that i don't care

2019-05-18 00:46:53 UTC  

Honestly, If Joe Biden wins the nomination I would not be nearly as anxious about the 2020 election because even if he wins, we have a new clown in the white house and as long as the Republicans hold one house we can survive four years.

2019-05-18 00:47:25 UTC  

Biden does not have the power to really energise the left and he could be a moderating force.

2019-05-18 00:48:00 UTC  

Voting Trump all the way, but I am praying Biden gets the nomination... the idea of Burnie or Kamala getting that close to the White House is terrifying.

2019-05-18 00:49:13 UTC  

I don't know.... Maybe we all can learn to feel the Burn.

2019-05-18 00:49:24 UTC  

Whats the worst that could happen.

2019-05-18 00:49:40 UTC  

Balkanization would be the best outcome.

2019-05-18 00:50:26 UTC  

As soon as the borders get drawn I will be singing Sweet Home Alabama while I pack my bags.

2019-05-18 00:56:12 UTC  

To many people are pushing segregation, i'm still going to be fighting against that as a whole.

2019-05-18 00:57:05 UTC  

It'll probably be Biden tbh

2019-05-18 00:57:20 UTC  

Nobody on the Dem side is energizing shit, and Biden is a known quantity

2019-05-18 00:57:48 UTC  

I'd honestly rather have Tulsi despite political differences but them's the breaks

2019-05-18 00:58:06 UTC  

I see it coming down to those 2, i don't see either of them winning. But you never know what will happen.

2019-05-18 00:59:10 UTC  

The worst that can happen is every third person in america dies or maybe all them.

2019-05-18 00:59:11 UTC  

Everyone keeps saying Tulsi is a good candidate.... But then i go look at the policies on her website....

2019-05-18 00:59:38 UTC  

I think Trump has it in the bag unless unemployment spikes or he starts a war.

2019-05-18 00:59:50 UTC  

@grant Less people isn't always a bad thing...

2019-05-18 00:59:54 UTC  

She'd provide an actual ideological opposition while also not thinking the opposition is Satan

2019-05-18 00:59:57 UTC  

I like Tulsi for being anti war and being a babe.

2019-05-18 01:00:10 UTC  

Thats what you want out of different parties

2019-05-18 01:01:02 UTC  

Like there needs to be a level of cultural/social repair right now

2019-05-18 01:01:35 UTC  

Biden is making an ass of himself to woo progdrones. Tulsi is sticking to principled stances

2019-05-18 01:01:37 UTC  

Tulsi could help with that for sure, but the Dems are already painting her with Russiagate accusations.

2019-05-18 01:01:53 UTC  

No shit I'd prefer her to the other candidates

2019-05-18 01:02:09 UTC  

Of course they will

2019-05-18 01:02:32 UTC  

The only repair we need, is how much repairing will need to be done to all of our guns!

2019-05-18 01:02:33 UTC  

Maybe that'll help undermine the club

2019-05-18 01:02:45 UTC  

*doesn't own a gun*

2019-05-18 01:02:46 UTC  

I don't think Tulsi would have the power to end 2A, especially with how the courts have been stacked by Trump, so it would not be the end if she got elected.

2019-05-18 01:03:22 UTC  

what if she stacks the court

2019-05-18 01:03:32 UTC  

the left has been talking about doing that

2019-05-18 01:05:00 UTC  

That would require a lot of legislative setup, no?

2019-05-18 01:07:12 UTC  

I don't think she would be that bold. I think bernie would be more likely to do something like just seize the banks

2019-05-18 01:07:57 UTC  

I could see him just start to nationalize things without asking for permission

2019-05-18 01:09:45 UTC  

I'm happy when both sides are talking, but if she is pushing the same nonsense (her websites policies), that the rest of the dems are, i don't see much of a difference.

2019-05-18 01:11:07 UTC  

My best case scenario is the dems elect the craziest person and that person loses big to trump. then the democrats start moving towards the center

2019-05-18 01:12:17 UTC  

my worst case is the democrats elect the craziest person, that person wins and we get civil war and that person uses nukes on the country killing basically everyone

2019-05-18 01:13:23 UTC  

second worst case scenario is a democrat implements socialism/communism, the right doesn't fight back and the results kill over a hundred million people in the USA