Message from @Mandatory Carry

Discord ID: 618668249055232011

2019-09-03 23:33:43 UTC  

Nice try, @Legalize.
*"Toxic chemicals,"* such as *AMMONIA* that *was* being used in McDonalds meat.
And there are no voices, that's God damn it, Leag, *that's not how PTSD works...* Jesus Fucking Christ In The Ass, even that fruadster FEINSTIRN knows better.

Ok, good, now I understand the problem;
Assume meat is $1/lb.
Fake meat is say 75¢/lb.
Fake meat gets bought up, real meat is pushed out of the market until one day you walk in and there's none in the butcher's section. No real meat at all.
IDK if there's any SG1 fans here, but they had a particularly interesting pair of episodes on exactly this: A little digging and I found it:
Ten years in the future, *"Earth has transformed into a seeming paradise of long life and perfect health thanks to an alliance with the Aschen Confederation... (But) Aschen medical treatments have made over 90% of humans infertile, allowing them to bloodlessly take over the Earth through a long-term invasion."*
This degree of evil is "difficult" to beleive, but then again, prove it's not the point; I know I can't.

2019-09-03 23:45:47 UTC  

You mean Snopes refuted it.
Sorry, I wouldn't even cite them earlier today when they substantiated a claim I made. Ya. That bad.
You're arguing a difference without a dustintion, based on a premise that something is not going to happen when in both can and historically has. (I'm a historian, ¿remember? Sawdust in bread and ammonia in meat...)
Cheaper toxic chemical filled food products... ¿What could go wrong?

2019-09-03 23:48:04 UTC  

1) why would I assume that?
2) why do you assume people want to eat synthetic meat? They typically dont

2019-09-04 00:02:05 UTC  

*"1) why would I assume that?"*
Sake of argument. You can plug any number you want in, as long as X≥Y.
*"2) why do you assume people want to eat synthetic meat? They typically dont."*
Because money, which was your own argument.

*"Past happenings doesn't prove something in the future will happen in a completely different food item."*
You have forgotten history.
And yes, they are related;
From sawdust in bread to Sulfa Elixeier (spelling) to ammonia meat to dog food, they are related.
BTW, *if* you'd read it (see, lie to me again, get caught again), you'd know ammonia has nothing to do with the dog food thing.

2019-09-04 00:02:53 UTC  

No, it was Legalize's argument
And I don't see how the argument hinges on the assumption that it's cheaper to grow meat in a lab

2019-09-04 00:32:45 UTC  

Whatsherface from The Squad™

2019-09-04 00:34:28 UTC  


2019-09-04 00:55:07 UTC  

I can't fathom why so many civilizations have taken a pass on letting women be in charge

2019-09-04 01:02:14 UTC  

@Mandatory Carry that episode was ROUGH

2019-09-04 01:06:40 UTC  

My bad.
Hey, you're starting to catch on...
And the Hell I did not...
Hey, *I had to watch part of a Dave RUBIN video,* don't tell I didn't cite a source. (I have a personal dislike for Dave.)
History tells us every time they can, corporations will add chemicals and do do as long as they can get away with it.

... 🤨
Best to leave me in my blissful ignorance...

2019-09-04 01:12:49 UTC  

Ben Carson found half a trillion bucks in HUD fraud

2019-09-04 01:12:54 UTC  

smh my head

2019-09-04 01:13:08 UTC  


2019-09-04 01:13:10 UTC  

this is old

2019-09-04 01:46:04 UTC  


2019-09-04 01:46:24 UTC  

Mandy, did you quote that Stargate episode never having seen it or never having watch the show at all?

2019-09-04 02:44:28 UTC  

Ya, good luck with that.
Let's see, just in the last year they banned taclum powder after ¿how many decades? because it causes ovarian cancer, but don't worry folks because they'd ***NEVER*** do that... Again... For the millionth time.
And it's D-O-L-T. (¿Your autocorrect bring a faggot? Say yes make it easier on both of us.)

No, I saw it... Like ten years, two marriages, and an an alcoholism ago...

2019-09-04 02:49:07 UTC  


2019-09-04 04:46:44 UTC  

Especially the two marriages ago...

2019-09-04 05:26:03 UTC  

The perp will find many suitors waiting for him in prison.

2019-09-04 05:27:59 UTC  

¿So? IDGAFF how many times he gets raped.
I. Really. Don't.

2019-09-04 05:28:54 UTC  

If he thought he took rejection hard.... just wait until he tries to reject his prison boyfriend.

2019-09-04 05:30:29 UTC  

Boyfriend***S***. In the plural.

2019-09-04 05:30:58 UTC  

*glances around...*

2019-09-04 05:41:52 UTC  

no husbands, his ass is getting tattooed

2019-09-04 06:23:29 UTC  

Indubitably; *"Enter Here."*
Even the pedos hate him...

2019-09-04 07:02:45 UTC  

Welp there goes my cheaper than average handgun ammo connection

2019-09-04 07:26:50 UTC  

I give it a day when #GamerGate gets brought and and clubbed again over this latest incident of "idiot game reviewer"

2019-09-04 07:31:43 UTC  

No, of course it's not a concession, it's just everything they've demanded, unproductive, and hurts the rest of us, that's all.
Never fucking lie to Mike. 👿👿👿👿 (That was directed at WalMart btw.)

2019-09-04 07:54:00 UTC  

They still have some nine at my store. Wondering if Should buy it now or wait

2019-09-04 07:55:03 UTC  

It’s probably best to buy some right now while I still have access to it.

2019-09-04 10:56:39 UTC  

Totally your call, but you could buy them from someone else.
I would. 👿👿👿👿 (*fucking lie to me faggots...*)

2019-09-04 12:43:56 UTC  

*"Your aversion to synthetic meat seems to be due to your paranoid state."*
Remind me again, ¿where did you get your medical degree?

2019-09-04 14:29:18 UTC  

@Niknar84 oh look at that another game journo caught being bad at their job, I'm so surprised. /s

2019-09-04 14:35:46 UTC  

oof every comment on the actual article of that game review is blasting the writer for either playing on easy or dropping spoilers.