Message from @Big T

Discord ID: 633394167053156353

2019-10-14 19:27:14 UTC  

w/e they choose to buy with it doesnt matter

2019-10-14 19:27:53 UTC  

So it's like "hey you get an extra million but you leave no genetic legacy and will spend all your wealth on your nursing home!" having no kids just seems super grim and pointless.

2019-10-14 19:27:53 UTC  

unless you choose to keep working and pay for a full time nanny

2019-10-14 19:28:07 UTC  

eh only if that matters to you bro

2019-10-14 19:28:30 UTC  

i never really got the whole "youre going to have a shitty life and die alone if you dont have kids" angle

2019-10-14 19:28:59 UTC  

you dont need to justify your choice of having kids by ripping on those who dont

2019-10-14 19:29:56 UTC  

I've seen a lot of people die alone full of regrets from working in a nursing home. Like if you don't want kids, absolutely please do not, but it will come at a cost.

2019-10-14 19:30:32 UTC  

the error is assuming that cost is true generally

2019-10-14 19:31:31 UTC  

regarding nursing homes, having kids will not keep you out of one. theyre full of old ppl who have families that dump there there

2019-10-14 19:32:12 UTC  

having a good retirement fund will do more than banking on your kids taking care of you when youre old.

2019-10-14 19:32:47 UTC  

maybe in other cultures like japan, but not here in america.

2019-10-14 19:45:02 UTC  

I guess we live in different Americas, because when our grandparents could no longer live on their own they moved in with us until they died, just like most other folks I know. Every old person I know who died (excluding sudden stuff like heart attacks, accidents etc.) and had children spent their final years/months in or near one of their children's homes. But I was part of the Baptist, and now the Anglican church so that probably effects what part of society I see.

2019-10-14 19:46:45 UTC  

I'm sure it would depend on how close the family is

2019-10-14 19:47:09 UTC  

Imagine, for a moment, what's going to happen to Lena Dunham's parents when they can't take care of themselves any longer

2019-10-14 19:52:27 UTC  

College is generally worth it.
¿University? Not unless you're a doctor, lawyer, or engineer.

2019-10-14 19:55:09 UTC  


2019-10-14 19:56:57 UTC  

JUST heard about that

2019-10-14 19:56:59 UTC  

so stupid

2019-10-14 19:57:00 UTC  

Ok. That makes me love America more because our government respects our right to blow crap up.

2019-10-14 20:02:17 UTC  

@DueyBear if its a tight nit church community like you said, then sure. But this is not "two different americas", but rather a simple fact that having kids in america does not ensure you will be taken care of by your kids, instead of being relegated to a nursing home. There are some communities where it is more likely that you will be taken care of, such as some latino and asian immigrant communities. Overall I argue that if you want to ensure you are taken care of in your old age, plan your retirement well.

2019-10-14 20:04:26 UTC  

not to mention that it is a large burden on your children to expect them to take care of you, especially if youre incontinent and senile. it just ends up being a waiting game til you die and they can move on.

2019-10-14 21:15:45 UTC  


2019-10-14 21:16:43 UTC  

oh wow

2019-10-14 21:16:56 UTC  

I can't read the whole thing yet but there's a great little bit in paragraph #2

2019-10-14 21:17:00 UTC  

I'll clip it and put it into <#266396659062145025>

2019-10-14 21:17:56 UTC  

*why didn't it take the first time*

2019-10-14 21:17:58 UTC  

*tell me*

2019-10-14 21:33:55 UTC  

the majority

2019-10-14 22:31:42 UTC  

I had a job managing my company's Salesforce a few years ago. Having used their software I can see why they wouldn't want to be paid based on their merit.

2019-10-15 03:00:13 UTC  
2019-10-15 07:27:49 UTC  

Invite to join group *Game Had Ended.*
... Ok...

2019-10-15 16:57:23 UTC  

Best chance of survival is to not use alcohol

2019-10-15 16:57:29 UTC  

Use something else instead

2019-10-15 17:03:28 UTC  


2019-10-15 17:05:30 UTC  

well if used water you'd still end up drowning