Message from @Agent Smith

Discord ID: 645276410390249493

2019-11-15 23:35:15 UTC  

ive partied with them before, theyre cool dudes

2019-11-16 01:05:19 UTC  
2019-11-16 01:34:35 UTC  

Man they really threw the book at him.

2019-11-16 01:34:47 UTC  

Gave him the real Fields treatment.

2019-11-16 01:34:55 UTC  


2019-11-16 01:36:43 UTC  

I read that as Eric Clapton.. lol

2019-11-16 01:43:51 UTC  

old slowhands smashing fascists

2019-11-16 03:46:07 UTC  
2019-11-16 03:46:16 UTC  

Thomas most famous excerpt

2019-11-16 07:51:19 UTC
> Cute Thing Kid Supposedly Said Just So Happens To Line Up Exactly With Parents' Political Views

2019-11-16 13:00:23 UTC  

I made a quick clip that summarizes Matts last video to 45 seconds. Been sending it to my leftist friends all morning!

2019-11-16 13:11:19 UTC  

This will go perfectly, and will definitely not backfire on her in any way, shape or form because everyone knows that rich people will simply lay down and let Chief Warren take all of their income, because they know they've been naughty

2019-11-16 13:39:41 UTC  

She'll have better luck if she does some sort of Indian money dance

2019-11-16 17:28:27 UTC  

although sometimes the predictions are unreal

2019-11-16 17:59:22 UTC  

They are all the same. None of them mean what they say as long as they can fool you into voting for them. Beto was the biggest open borders guy, remember he wanted to tear them down if elected. Oops, loosing position lets do a 180

2019-11-16 18:12:09 UTC  

(I can't believe I'm defending beto, but) To be fair, @FrostyCrits , it looks like "the border" just refers to the region that he lives in, not literally the border. I think it's really easy to interpret it as him doing a 180, but from looking into it more, it looks more like it's just more virtue signaling from him

2019-11-16 19:16:36 UTC  

I hate to point this out but in the Man in High Castle, the Japs have systematically exterminated all the natives of countries they occupy, while the Germans are trying to at least run things by law.

2019-11-16 19:16:39 UTC  

Really makes you think.

2019-11-16 19:20:39 UTC  


2019-11-16 19:23:11 UTC  

@Spanners You know, within the last ten years I've witnessed a couple major sport scandals with doping and hormones. How did we as a society get so dumb so fast?

2019-11-16 19:23:49 UTC  

Bold of you to assume that we were ever smart.

2019-11-16 19:44:23 UTC  

that is life, fuckin hell they shouldn't even get the spotlight, thieves

2019-11-16 19:55:46 UTC  

Last December, she arrived back in Freetown, by bus from Mali - after nearly two years away. But there were no emotional reunions, no welcomes, no embraces. Nearly a year later, Fatmata hasn't even seen her mother - ***or the daughter, now eight, she left behind.***

2019-11-16 19:55:54 UTC  

Wait what

2019-11-16 19:56:09 UTC  


2019-11-16 19:56:33 UTC  

When she got back, she called her brother. But his reaction terrified her. "He told me, 'You should not even have come home. You should just die where you went, because you didn't bring anything back home.'"

After that, she says, "I didn't have the heart to go and see my mother."*

2019-11-16 19:57:00 UTC  

But her family didn't reject her just because she was a failure. It was also because of how she funded her journey.

She stole 25 million leones - about US $2,600 at today's exchange rate, but then worth a lot more - from her aunt. It was money her aunt had given her to buy clothes, that could then be resold as part of her trading business. Her aunt regularly trusted her in that way.

"I was only thinking how to get the money and go," Fatmata says, though she adds that she's not a selfish person. "If I had succeeded in going to Europe, I decided that I would triple the money, I would take good care of my aunt and my mum."