Message from @JayFry
Discord ID: 409947257081692170
Destiny haha
I am calling for a new crusade to retake byzantium and forcefully convert muslims and wipe them off the face of the planet. Why must this be done because islam is violent and it will not change they continue to do inhuman crimes. Islam supports stoning people to death whipping beating wives and childern pedohphilia the enslavement of woman and death to all infidel and homosexuals they just keep countries as third world developing countries they don't provide anything to society but more death and terrorism we must stop this and only way to do that is war!
Become Pope first please. It's all about the decorum
im here
Me too
having comp issues
I am level 10 bitch
STEM my ass
lol so much logic i fail
what sucks about discord... is I can't use it in safari
Your clicking on the channel?
@CindyRichelle wait you are in computer science on a mac...
Theres the chat then the voice channel
It has a speaker next to it
Wheres @brazenbunnie ?
I'm here.
I'm making food
@jayfry I'm not making pizza though
Congrats on leveling up lol
Enjoy the not pizza
Haha it's boring food. I'm always making food when I come here
How is everyone?
fuck it .. i need more booze
With Javenis .... He is crazy don't listen to him
@JayFry I have food now :)
y can't I hear yall?
your volume
Please no female fight club
volume is good
check you settings and make sure you output is default or you headset explicitly
yay me