Message from @Salacious Swanky Cat
Discord ID: 609425579263131649
Das one beeg honker
Nevermind, it defies even *unhinged* logic.
the nose knows?
No. Can't be that.
It's probably a joke or unintentional
But who nose
See, this is why *"POE'S Law"* people...
I dunno, I think he's being pretty on the nose here
Quote the Raven, Carry more.
Gahhhh I have a fucking black headed zit inside my nose I can't pop and it's keeping me awake!
Wrong POE.
@Salacious Swanky Cat how's Vinland?
@Beemann I like it so far. I haven’t gotten much farther because of work. No joke I’ve pulled some almost all nighters
That's fair yeah
Man, watching through the anime is really different now that I have the long term context
Which anime?
Vinland Saga
Is it good?
Looks good.
I'll have to check it out.
It's been pretty decent. There's been CGI but not egregious levels
They are making Akira black
making Akira take place outside of Japan already makes no fucking sense
BuT nInE-eLeVeN
two towers = two japanese cities and closing in on a century of fear over nuclear armaments
I'm surprised how many people think the 30-50 hogs statement was a meme. Like it's not something that legitimately happens.
No wonder people think there are too many humans. They all live in their polluted cities.
But the left has passed gun control and all you have is a musket and a sling shot. So you get eaten.. lol
Guess farmers better start putting spike traps and motes around their properties.
M-O-A-T, and that don't stop 'em. Spike traps will get a few, though.
Like... ¿Four maybe?