Message from @Louis Carlos Fer

Discord ID: 645161560456691732

2019-11-16 04:54:13 UTC  


2019-11-16 04:54:40 UTC  

so you're a duty to retreat kinda thing?

2019-11-16 05:15:49 UTC  

It's naïve to think that everyone is redeemable. The person that assaults and kills others is a disruptive force to society. Not a perfect solution by a long shot, a really good argument can be made against the death penalty, but as humans sometimes we need to eliminate a negative influence for the greater good. Being human, mistakes can be made and injustice can be carried out but its better then a world with no justice or accountability.

2019-11-16 06:33:54 UTC  

Pragmatically speaking it's cheaper to hand out life sentences rather than death sentences what with the appeals process, so from that point of view we should probably only give the death sentence if we're also going to instate summary executions, which we probably ought not do.
As a matter of philosophy, however, I am not sure the death penalty is justifiable. After all are they not removed from their ability to harm society in a prison cell? Is it wise to hand the government the mandate to decide who is and is not redeemable? The downside to life in prison as opposed to the death penalty is nonexistent pragmatically as a matter of actual price, civilly as the perpetrator will be excised from society he has harmed either way, and philosophically as a matter of possible governmental wrongdoing. A society which frees the wrongly imprisoned is surely more just than one which laments the unjustly executed. Retributive justice does have its say, and those who commit crimes must be punished, but surely the remainder of a long life spent behind bars is just as much of a penalty as that of a short one, and at least if they're still alive there's a possibility of redemption no matter how slim.

2019-11-16 06:38:24 UTC  

No death penalty is also not perfect I'll give you but our country was founded partly on the idea that a hundred criminals going free is better than a single innocent man being punished, so I think we ought to bear that in mind in this issue, where punishment is so irreversible

2019-11-16 06:39:04 UTC  

If you have a prisoner who killed people and are in prison for life they will not hesitate to kill the other prisoners / guards. There is also the possibility of escape, I would submit that a life ended beats a life in a cage.

2019-11-16 06:45:15 UTC  

As for the wrongly accused, yes it probably happens but we are humans. It's not perfect and it's beyond horrible if you are the innocent one being punished.

2019-11-16 06:48:17 UTC  

The Salem Witch trials, none of them were actually witches and they all died. It was horrible, an injustice even.

2019-11-16 06:48:48 UTC  

But then you'd be essentially executing them on the (given, possibly quite strong) chance of their continued criminality, and the statistics surrounding inmates rather than the specific individual's case. I'd rather lock up a hundred absolute raving nigh subhuman monsters for the shot at that one who is redeemable or who ten years down the line we figure out is innocent through new forensic methods

2019-11-16 06:52:10 UTC  

I don't understand what you were trying to say 'I'd rather lock up a hundred absolute raving nigh subhuman monsters for the shot at that one who is redeemable'... for the shot at?

2019-11-16 06:54:51 UTC  

So if you give these people the death penalty and put them down as feral animals, you'll kill 101. If you just lock them up and work to attempt to make them better people, if you can redeem even one, if even one goes free due to new evidence, it's worth the cost of locking them all up rather than executing the lot

2019-11-16 06:57:18 UTC  

Also, it truly bears repeating that the real world pragmatic monetary cost is cheaper to just lock them up forever due to our legal system and without an overhaul of the way death sentences and death row are handled it just kind of makes sense to do it this way. After all either way odds are they actually die of old age in prison

2019-11-16 07:07:39 UTC  

To boil this down to a matter of economics is not wise. it's a complex issue, either you have security and order or you do not. If a murderer was set free, society would panic. ... This murderer moved in next door to me, I feel unsafe ...

2019-11-16 07:10:25 UTC  

I think it's inhuman to torture a person by removing their rights and locking them in a cage for the rest of their days

2019-11-16 07:11:27 UTC  

The left says this is the best thing because they get cheep/free labor from that inmate that they can exploit to make money

2019-11-16 07:18:24 UTC  

Surely it's a more stark removal of rights to permanently end their life? I'm not suggesting murderers be set free, I'm suggesting life in prison with the possibility of parole as an alternative. And it's not so much economics as it is the cold reality of the situation that the appeals process very frequently takes so long that the condemned dies of natural causes, and on top of that costs more money

2019-11-16 07:18:41 UTC  

Essentially causing the person to do society even more damage

2019-11-16 07:19:19 UTC  

Mandatory you probably can

2019-11-16 07:19:19 UTC  

I've always wondered why the homeless don't commit crimes so they can get 3 square meals a day and a warm bed, access to entertainment and books, the possibility to work and earn some money and medical care for free. What's so great about pushing a shopping cart around all day?

2019-11-16 07:21:41 UTC  

you gonna come kill me @Mandatory Carry?

2019-11-16 07:21:42 UTC  

Mental illness and drug addiction, woooo

2019-11-16 07:22:27 UTC  

We treat prisoners better then we treat the homeless, let that sink in

2019-11-16 07:25:41 UTC  

I mean it's a lot easier to deal with a group of people who have been captured and are 100% under your control than a group of transient mentally ill fops which one side of the political aisle claims have a right to shoot up heroin in your local playground thank you very much.

2019-11-16 07:27:42 UTC  

Like you can distribute government cheese but can you make a homeless man under the golden gate bridge stop indecently exposing himself long enough to collect?

2019-11-16 07:34:06 UTC  

kinda got off topic here but the homeless are not all like you describe.

2019-11-16 07:36:03 UTC  

I don't know, I think the death penalty is the best we can do. Locking people up for life and using them for labor is wrong. If you can't release them what else are you going to do with them.

2019-11-16 07:39:49 UTC  

We have to restructure the death penalty. In its current form it's inhumane because takes to long.

2019-11-16 07:41:08 UTC  

It's also to expensive.

2019-11-16 07:41:11 UTC  

I think it should just be a firing squad. Quick and cheep

2019-11-16 07:42:43 UTC  

Probably the most humane as well

2019-11-16 07:44:21 UTC  

Sure firing squads are fine. The main thing that has to happen is shortening the wait on death row to one year maximum.

2019-11-16 07:45:03 UTC  

It could be much shorter for most death penalty offenses.

2019-11-16 07:46:22 UTC  

"Murder: We saw you do it, and we have all of the evidence. Bye!"

2019-11-16 08:41:49 UTC  

In terms of the morality of executing criminals, I would counter by saying is it right to ask society to subsidize and provide for the worst of humanity?

2019-11-16 09:25:46 UTC  

I am considering getting a new semiauto shotgun. Does anyone have a suggestion that costs under 700 dollars?

2019-11-16 09:27:03 UTC  

I have a pump-action I want to replace because it's rather uncomfortable to shoot.

2019-11-16 09:27:31 UTC  

can you get a semi for under 700?

2019-11-16 09:30:43 UTC  

I found this one, but I would like to know if anyone here has heard, seen or used one that they could recommend.

2019-11-16 09:32:25 UTC  

@PiusXIII where's this Christian sub server

2019-11-16 09:32:56 UTC  

@Railingo beneli supernova I think is in your price range.