Message from @[DGI]tech

Discord ID: 611415688028094464

2019-08-15 04:19:18 UTC  

I'm sure that takes time

2019-08-15 04:19:48 UTC  

Wait, wait...
Ah crap, there's this awesome Dave CULLENS video for this... But I can't find it.
"You haven't even asked me a question Mandatory Carry so I don't know what I'm supposed to be answering."*
Asked and not answered, but I'll rephrase your honor:
*"There is an exception so rife for abuse because it can be obtained by anyone, instantly, by people who fundamentally do **NOT** qualify. ¿Which is it?"*

2019-08-15 04:20:11 UTC  

Conscientious objector

2019-08-15 04:20:40 UTC  


2019-08-15 04:20:54 UTC  

Holy shit...
That's a good one...

Fuck me, I should... Go back and fix that...

2019-08-15 04:22:09 UTC  

Well. The student *has* gotten one over on the master, congratulations Uncephalized...
Indigent was the one I was thinking of...

2019-08-15 04:22:31 UTC  

OK. Either way, if I said I fucking read something it's because I fucking read it.

2019-08-15 04:23:50 UTC  

Ya, still not buying it, but anyways...

In any case, NO. Weapons liability insurance should be illegal because it's racist ***AND*** useless.

2019-08-15 04:23:58 UTC  


2019-08-15 04:24:16 UTC  

and you still called him a liar after all that @Mandatory Carry

2019-08-15 04:24:34 UTC  

and then try to deflect and change the subject

2019-08-15 04:24:43 UTC  

damn bro, thats some low life shit there. be a man for once

2019-08-15 04:25:04 UTC  

That's adorable Trav

2019-08-15 04:25:05 UTC  

i dont think they taught you that skeevy shit in the coast guard

2019-08-15 04:26:00 UTC  

This reminds me of the last Change My Mind, where that Kraut bitch kept giving ground but kept saying that wanting to keep illegals out of the country is racist.

2019-08-15 04:26:26 UTC  

I think she's stuck in a loop, and she just needs more exposure to contrary ideas

2019-08-15 04:26:35 UTC  

she got yanked out of her comfort zone

2019-08-15 04:26:56 UTC  

as productive as CMM can be, it's not ideal for actually changing minds, because there's a fuckhuge audience

2019-08-15 04:27:15 UTC  

That's true.

2019-08-15 04:27:30 UTC  

I did kinda like that you could see the actual moment when she bluescreened.

2019-08-15 04:27:39 UTC  

>keeping illegals out
>inherently racist

2019-08-15 04:27:40 UTC  


2019-08-15 04:27:41 UTC  

"The student has gotten one over on the master"
You are unbelievably arrogant @Mandatory Carry . You have not earned one ounce of intellectual or moral superiority over me. None.

2019-08-15 04:27:59 UTC  

With the bit about how 'Germany doesn't restrict free speech, just hate speech.'

2019-08-15 04:28:13 UTC  

yeah and then she did give some ground on that

2019-08-15 04:28:29 UTC  

Germany, Russia, China: they don't give no fucks.

2019-08-15 04:28:31 UTC  

but you could see that she was getting emotional because something she assumed would be accepted wasnt

2019-08-15 04:28:38 UTC  

the comfort zone was yanked out from under her

2019-08-15 04:28:57 UTC  


2019-08-15 04:29:04 UTC  

Retards need it.

2019-08-15 04:29:12 UTC  

eh, good in some ways, bad in others

2019-08-15 04:29:20 UTC  

not necessarily conducive to changing her mind

2019-08-15 04:29:32 UTC  

but I think she could be flipped

2019-08-15 04:29:40 UTC  

the woman at the end sort-of flipped

2019-08-15 04:30:00 UTC  

Well, if it's Crowders tone or what have you then sure, but you are never going to grow if you don't step out of your comfort zone and continually learn or strive for knowledge.

2019-08-15 04:30:00 UTC  

Yeah, it was pretty clearly a complete difference in world view, considering that she asked him several times in a row where the line was, and couldn't handle that he didn't have a line on speech.

2019-08-15 04:30:13 UTC  

it's not a tone thing

2019-08-15 04:30:30 UTC  

it's having the conversation shift into unknown territory while you're in public, in front of a crowd and on film

2019-08-15 04:30:40 UTC  

I only watched the first person.

2019-08-15 04:30:49 UTC  


2019-08-15 04:30:57 UTC  

I haven't watched any of it, yet.