Message from @C1PHER

Discord ID: 615575062187081755

2019-08-25 10:35:11 UTC  

She is over 50 eewwww

2019-08-25 10:44:57 UTC  

Seek help

2019-08-25 14:47:12 UTC  

Yeah but have you seen her with red hair? Fucking hell.

2019-08-25 22:00:20 UTC  

Yeah, some people age gracefully.

2019-08-25 22:04:44 UTC  

Thank you, @scaevola, 16.
Crap, ¿*CAN WE* add that many stars (and that's just Germany) with switching to dots? And ¿what about Switzerland? 😲

2019-08-26 02:08:37 UTC  


2019-08-26 02:19:14 UTC  

Hello !

2019-08-26 02:56:40 UTC  

Watashi wa namewa Clive desu

2019-08-26 12:59:38 UTC  

So I got into a small argument with someone irl yesterday about black history month. How many people here think we should have a black history month and how many think we should not? And does your answer extend to other race history months of the year?

2019-08-26 13:11:17 UTC  

No special treatment for any group. So, no holidays or "history months"

2019-08-26 13:30:30 UTC  

Any holiday that doesn't have specific cause for some form of celebration for every citizen should be abolished.

Black history month is inherently exclusive, and doesn't unify communities like holidays are supposed to.

2019-08-26 13:39:42 UTC  

If you’re going to do anything at all any form of stupidity should be wrapped up into one day. And even that’s pushing it.

2019-08-26 13:48:29 UTC  

They're argument was that black people had such a specific and volatile history for a time in America that we need to have a special month to learn about it so we all can learn from it and grow and never do it again. Also every other month is white history month. To this latter point I said history has no race, just a time and a place. Just because we learn about people who happened to be white more in other months doesn't make those months white history months.

My broder point was, Obviously we should learn from our history and not repeat the bad parts, but the problem is that it isn't "black" history. It's American history and by giving black people a whole month all to themselves they now feel entitled like they deserve it and they all (hyperbole) feel this en masse collective sense of racial entitlement because someone a long time ago gave welfare in the form of race based month long history holiday apology

2019-08-26 14:24:05 UTC  

If being oppressed gives an ethnic group the right to a month bashing people over the head for your ancestors oppression, then we would need a lot more months.

2019-08-26 14:40:39 UTC  

Focusing exclusively on the treatment of blacks in the US doesn’t actually help learn the problem in my opinion. The perspective should be broadened to all ethnic groups that have or have been oppressed. This way, people learn that it’s a cycle and the only way to break the cycle is to intentionally focus on what we have in common instead of focusing on minor differences.

2019-08-26 14:59:28 UTC  

*oppression history month*

2019-08-26 15:37:08 UTC  

I reject all racism.

But I would get behind *"History Month."* Leave it in February, that's fine (maybe).

2019-08-26 15:47:56 UTC  

All good points, even Mandy LOL, thanks all

2019-08-26 15:51:42 UTC  

The problem with ending racially-based history months is twofold. First off, the people representative of that month and people that get offended on behalf of other people, would both be offended that this particular month of racial history would be removed. The second thing that would happen is that, even if we removed racial history months, people would invariably still talk about racial history in that month and celebrate their race in that month anyways so functionally nothing would change I think

2019-08-26 15:54:24 UTC  

Yeah, like Pride Month isn't exactly "real" in the sense that it wasn't created by the government, but society/corporations have bought into it

2019-08-26 15:55:31 UTC  

So nobody can just declare it null

2019-08-26 15:57:43 UTC  

Yeah, we went to feed the darkness a cookie and it ate the Cookie by swallowing our arm. Now our only choice is to slake the Darkness so it doesn't keep eating its way up our arm or cut off our own arm.

2019-08-26 16:38:37 UTC  

*"Yeah, we went to feed the darkness a cookie and it ate the Cookie by swallowing our arm."*

2019-08-26 17:23:28 UTC  

All of this does the question of where we draw the line

2019-08-26 17:25:46 UTC  

Briiliant plan.
Now we'll have 5Ø different Christ's Masses, 5Ø different Easter's, 5Ø different Memorial Days (oh, wait, that's not a holy day, my bad)...
Great plan. Bravo.

2019-08-26 17:25:55 UTC  


2019-08-26 17:26:52 UTC  

We’ll have to update the 12 days of Christmas

2019-08-26 17:27:46 UTC  

By that logic is there now under your plan 400 days of Hanukkah?

2019-08-26 17:28:44 UTC  

You must be asking Leag, 'cause it wasn't my plan. 😅

2019-08-26 17:29:51 UTC  

I can see it now: 400 Crazy Nights starring Adam Sandler

2019-08-26 17:33:40 UTC  

Wait, maybe Sheldon's into something here... 😲😲😲😲

2019-08-26 17:57:51 UTC  

You ask for too much

2019-08-26 17:59:52 UTC  

the only issue i can think of is that there could be issues with doing business across states

2019-08-26 18:04:27 UTC  

I think he's referring to each state having their own declared holidays, but that still doesn't make much sense

2019-08-26 18:05:27 UTC  

50 Easters would all fall on the same day anyway

2019-08-26 18:10:30 UTC  

naw, liberal states would move traditionally religious holidays just cuz

2019-08-26 18:11:39 UTC  

although I do support moving halloween to being on the last Friday or last Saturday october unilaterally

2019-08-26 18:20:06 UTC  

*"@MandiCar speak English please."*
I am. 😈
*"I never said I want to "make 50 different Christmases" or "50 different memorial days"*
Well, no... Memorial Day isn't a holy day, so you did **NOT** say that.
*"I think all Holy days of obligation should be government indicated holiday's... Not federally, though."*
Ehem... *"Not federally."* Leaving the states (or, God help us, the cities and counties) to set the date.
But for once your failure to think (at all) *may yet* have proven advantageous; *"I can see it now: 400 Crazy Nights starring Adam Sandler."* Well... That's not necessrily a bad idea...
*"50 Easters would all fall on the same day anyway"*
¿Do they? We know Christ's Mass was moved at least three times, and several Christian sects do not celebrate the day at all, leaving those sects, and thier states, to set no date at all. And as Clive observed, some states will inevitably revive the holiday entirely on one pretext or another. (Michigan springs rabidly to mind, thanx for not jack shit Barack.)

I'm glad you think moving is so easy. It must be nice to be independently wealthy with no kids or whatever your situation is, but the rest if us must work in the real world, not a fantasy of living out of a U-Haul and transferring our flag on a weekly basis.

2019-08-26 18:26:47 UTC  


2019-08-26 18:27:09 UTC  


2019-08-26 18:29:10 UTC  

dont @me if you @nt me