Message from @Unauthorized Expression
Discord ID: 304386567533756427
There is a large contingent of Marxists in the US trying to take over
the medias defense of antifa is disturbing
and they are part of the Left
Along with whoever funds them
It's more those higher ups that worry me than the idiots on the ground
Im an emergency manager of a city
Trust me there is no civil war on the horizon
Antfa are pussies one punch away from giving up and staying at home
But the msm is not
yea. Burkley showed that they are really just paper tigers
These out breaks you see will only happen in largely liberal controlled cities in liberal controlled states
Yeah. Antifa Dallas are practically a joke
Even California has a backlash against this Marxist bullshit
This thing in Cali is ramping up to military intervention
The cops are already standing down
I didn't know it had got that bad over there
Cali cops are Union
Union workers are super shady
Once the Right fucks a few of these Leftists up really good or kills a few it will be on ever media outlet in the world
this has got to be the biggest case I've seen to ban social justice courses
Then there will be a huge push for the govt to step in
You will only see these out breaks on college campus and lib city states .
They are possitioning the Right to be painted as the badguy
Basically super liberal gun free zones
its clear that this shit is to dangerous to keep being allowed to propagate
What's your strategy then?
Just keep voting for republicans?
military intervention and the labeling of conservatists as terrorists
@Matthew Kiff the opposite really
there is a way to remedy this cancer
Explain @JayFry
The left is doubling down like a gambking addict in debt
Because they are like a crazy woman. They want us to hit them so they can call the cops
figuratively speaking
They are reinforcing their narrative to secure their future and they are failing
bring in all the migrants from the mideast and north africa and put them all in the most liberal cities and college towns
Won't matter when the msm has half the country thinking the other half is out to get them