Message from @combusta
Discord ID: 304385540260888597
Good i hate policing the world
I don't blame you
Hi guys
this economy is going to pop again. most likely in the next 8 years
In such a short time the world went from disliking the US to thinking of the US as the god-appointed rulers of the world
Amazing how fast that can happen
Well we are badasses
Any country that spends in excess of a trillion dollars a year on military would be a badass
We spend more on our military then 2 thru 11 of the highest overspending countries combined
Most of the world's population is just very dumb
our political system is rotten to the core and there is no way to fix it
THere's a civil war coming to the US. I don't know what that will do to the rest of the world
what are the dividing lines>
Left and Right
Marxism and Democracy
Theres no civil war coming
There is a large contingent of Marxists in the US trying to take over
and they are part of the Left
Along with whoever funds them
It's more those higher ups that worry me than the idiots on the ground
Im an emergency manager of a city
Trust me there is no civil war on the horizon
Antfa are pussies one punch away from giving up and staying at home
But the msm is not
yea. Burkley showed that they are really just paper tigers
These out breaks you see will only happen in largely liberal controlled cities in liberal controlled states
Yeah. Antifa Dallas are practically a joke
Even California has a backlash against this Marxist bullshit
This thing in Cali is ramping up to military intervention
The cops are already standing down
I didn't know it had got that bad over there
Cali cops are Union
They've been ordered not to get invovled
Union workers are super shady
Once the Right fucks a few of these Leftists up really good or kills a few it will be on ever media outlet in the world