Message from @Wandering
Discord ID: 314584451839426561
The bot does that on its own, but its main purpose here is to greet people and introduce them to the server.
But it can also do this.
hmm seems pretty useless
It was mainly there for games and jokes, but I've disabled a lot of its commands.
I brought it here for utility.
brb eatting dinner
yo @Deleted User I can't hear anyone, can you help me
What did you do?
I joined the call in waiting room
but I can't hear you guys
You haven't been deafened.
So it's an issue somewhere on your end.
oh nvm it was my shit internet
I'm getting the same issue
#gravitywell getting the same issue as egg and it says I have been suppressed in voice chat
Resultat från myndighetens databas
Visar 1 av 1 matchningar
Handle Namn
@LibtardAmerica Blonde
Resultat från tidigare, ej verifierad databas
Visar 1 av 1 matchningar
Handle Namn
@LibtardAmerica Blonde
Sweden hates @LibtardAmerica!!
Matt's still safe, tho
Bring in Beggar Hero? Does that mean I'm being skipped?
Yeah fuck this
it has reached to the time limit
5th week it has been only patreons
I get the obligation to Patreons but if that means non patreons wont get put on it would be nice to not waste my time.
@Matt Christiansen @Blonde in the Belly of the Beast If you are looking to be fair to both patreon and normal viewers you should consider having patreon only weeks bi weekly or give priority to the first x number of patreons posting. Otherwise you have people like me preping to be put on before hand and clearing a few hours without any chance of being put on anyway. It's disrespectful of peoples time.
Hey what do I need to do to get my name changed orange for being a patron?
roll call tonight?
@Badg3rman Not valid until 6h50m from now
I now, but it is tonight, right? 😛
@TurretMob I appreciate the sentiment, but please keep the chatter out of the <#231936127378915328> tab.
Condolences gravity
I'm restoring my old ass pc
Any psu suggestions?
@Blue Gale depends on your hardware demands. what are your parts?
Who's ready for WW3???
will there still be internet?