Message from @Beemann

Discord ID: 437436184445190146

2018-04-22 02:01:34 UTC  

I think the issue you're looking at is the weakening of cultural values

2018-04-22 02:01:55 UTC  

which is why a lot of socialists think there's no white culture, and honestly come by that opinion rather than being malicious cocksuckers

2018-04-22 02:02:25 UTC  

I mean, there's no monolithic culture, but there's an American culture and a Canadian culture and an English culture etc

2018-04-22 02:05:21 UTC  

I do think in reality there are better cultures though

2018-04-22 02:05:30 UTC  

oh absolutely

2018-04-22 02:05:38 UTC  

I'm not a cultural relativist by any means

2018-04-22 02:10:39 UTC  

I admire governments that put thenpreservatkon of their people above anything else. Lije the Japanese, Polish, Chinese, Congolese etcetera. And America was always good, unifying Europeans upnuntil the 1960s. Post 1970 has brought us today. In 1965 America opened up its borders to non-european people. If that had not happened we would not be having the divisive conversation that we are right now and neither would anybody else. Because we would be unified as a second Europe. The European people would stretch from the European continent across the north American continent and it would be known and it would not be questioned. It is our openness and our liberalism that has brought us to the conversation that we have today.

2018-04-22 02:11:22 UTC  

I wouldnt consider China admirable at all. Also China is multi-ethnic

2018-04-22 02:11:39 UTC  

ok. In what universe is Europe united, or has it ever been united??

2018-04-22 02:11:41 UTC  

and Japan stomped all over its smaller ethnicities, and now people are seeking that cultural heritage again

2018-04-22 02:11:44 UTC  

in none lol

2018-04-22 02:11:52 UTC  

thats "the dream"

2018-04-22 02:12:23 UTC  

If I remember correctly, we went over to Europe twice in the beginning of the last century because none of the white people could get along

2018-04-22 02:12:52 UTC  

I hear what you're saying about China, but the Chinese people are a broad category in the same way that European people are. People from Europe or european people are known to be simply as white people everybody in the world knows that. China is a large country and everybody knows there are many ethnicities within it however all around the world if you are from China we still say you are Chinese it's a general term we all get it we all understand Chinese is the equivalent of white

2018-04-22 02:13:12 UTC  

not to mention the fact that if all Europeans can get along, what purpose do the colonial nations serve?

2018-04-22 02:13:19 UTC  

and no, a lot of people from China do not call themselves Chinese

2018-04-22 02:13:21 UTC  

and hate China

2018-04-22 02:13:58 UTC  

Europe has been a hotbed of landgrabs by different ethnicities of white people for almost as long as the Middle East has

2018-04-22 02:13:58 UTC  

Well again your point is the same as what I'm saying a lot of people in Europe don't like the European Union however we Outsiders will still call them European

2018-04-22 02:14:21 UTC  

European Union is not a nation, it's like saying people are NATO

2018-04-22 02:15:13 UTC  

There are regions of China trying to break free from the whole. Those places are still recognized by the Chinese government *as* Chinese, but if you call those citizens Chinese they will call you ignorant

2018-04-22 02:16:01 UTC  

The European Union might not be a nation but that area and geographic location might be stronger then a nation. The European Union is composed of All European people it has its own military force led by the United States called NATO, each state has its own military force like France has its own England has its own Germany has its own, each has their own Constitution, just like each United States has its own Constitution you could say that the European Union is just as strong if not stronger America as long as they can cooperate with each other and stay unified there's no telling as to say that they are weaker than the United States well that is to say if the United States would let them be as strong as them

2018-04-22 02:16:24 UTC  

European Union is a sham lol

2018-04-22 02:16:48 UTC  

I'm actually really surprised that you're speaking so highly of it when it's the primary driver behind the migrant crisis

2018-04-22 02:16:50 UTC  

The EU is is a fucking joke

2018-04-22 02:17:02 UTC  

the EU is a house of cards, and it has been since it's inception

2018-04-22 02:17:39 UTC  

It was essentially the third German attempt to annex Europe, and they are on the tipping point of it currently

2018-04-22 02:18:13 UTC  

trying to put Greece and Germany on the same currency was a hilariously poor decision that they were warned of well in advance

2018-04-22 02:18:29 UTC  

So if I have you correct Beemann you're from the UK

2018-04-22 02:18:37 UTC  

nope, Leaf

2018-04-22 02:18:49 UTC  

about an hour from the Freedom Border

2018-04-22 02:18:56 UTC  

Well what the hell can you guys say to me that would prove that the EU is not sturdy the thing you is not strong tell me why it's a sham

2018-04-22 02:19:09 UTC  

Brexit comes to mind

2018-04-22 02:19:34 UTC  

The fact that they were allowed to have a state secede proves that it's more legitimate than the United States democracy if someone can vote out there out in the United States you can't have that

2018-04-22 02:19:53 UTC  

because it's multiple disparate economies with a singular currency, something economists told them was retarded. Because it's an undemocratic system that removes national sovereignty. Because it's incapable of taking care of its member states

2018-04-22 02:20:03 UTC  

The absurd amounts of money its spending on absolutely nothing

2018-04-22 02:20:11 UTC  

Source: Look at the fucking European Union today

2018-04-22 02:20:35 UTC  

I think the white race needs a little bit of non democracy I'm fine with a little bit of fascism

2018-04-22 02:20:49 UTC  

Personally I think we're a bit retarded

2018-04-22 02:20:50 UTC  

Asking how I know the EU is a sham is like asking how I know the car wrapped around a tree got in an accident

2018-04-22 02:21:01 UTC  

how does putting retards in power help with the retard problem?