Message from @Jeremy-Retard

Discord ID: 447535826105139230

2018-05-19 15:23:28 UTC  

I mean considering it's basically all strawmen there's not much rigor needed lol

2018-05-19 19:31:13 UTC  

fucking microsoft wonders why no one wants to install the windows updates

2018-05-19 20:05:58 UTC  

I need call in show now

2018-05-19 20:06:02 UTC  

Must have

2018-05-19 20:06:35 UTC  

Intellectual discussion and slightly assholish humor in waiting room chat. I'm in a glass case of emotionnnn

2018-05-19 22:12:13 UTC  

I don't get to do waiting room voicechat 😦

2018-05-19 22:31:07 UTC  

This Munk debate on political correctness is a trashing of the left.

2018-05-19 22:31:45 UTC  

They've got two intellectuals up there, and they keep just falling back on "muh identity politics has been hurt in the past, trump is stupid."

2018-05-19 22:32:41 UTC  

Meanwhile, JBP and Fry keep just saying, "Political correctness is harming enlightenment values, removing them from society in favor of real harm to ordinary people for speech.".... they come back with more "Muh identity, Trump!"

2018-05-19 22:35:46 UTC  

„the left“ still has intellectuals?

2018-05-19 22:36:07 UTC  

Well, a black identity politics church preacher and a feminist.

2018-05-19 22:36:19 UTC  

To be fair, the entire debate panel is leftist, even Peterson.

2018-05-19 22:36:30 UTC  

Not a conservative among them, and this is "debate"

2018-05-19 22:47:18 UTC  

Lmao thanks, Stefan Molyneux

2018-05-19 22:49:13 UTC  

I was just watching this Munk debate

2018-05-19 22:49:44 UTC for those who are interested.

2018-05-19 22:51:39 UTC  

Holy cow every word out of this black mans mouth makes me hate him. His entire perspective is group-identity

2018-05-19 22:51:57 UTC  

"It's hard to be a self-deprecating englishman"... jesus...

2018-05-19 22:52:17 UTC  

Just fucking deal with the IDEAS for one second

2018-05-19 23:07:35 UTC  

Wow, Stephen Fry's closing was A+

2018-05-19 23:07:50 UTC  

He Nailed it

2018-05-19 23:10:16 UTC  

I can't take preacher's like this seriously... we just had a black president. There are no institutional barriers for anyone anymore. If you're complaining about assholes who are racist... well too bad, we all have to deal with assholes.

2018-05-19 23:22:12 UTC  

And one more final smear on JBP by the lady on her closing statement... unbelievable.

2018-05-19 23:24:06 UTC  

that matchup- Psychologist and Actor take on Blogger and American political commentator (read: blogger on tv)

2018-05-19 23:24:46 UTC  

I like to think of Fry as more comedian, tbh.

2018-05-19 23:24:54 UTC  


2018-05-19 23:24:56 UTC  

either way though

2018-05-19 23:25:05 UTC  

they're up against a blogger and a glorified blogger

2018-05-19 23:25:19 UTC  

You're trying to say it's a bit unfair? I might agree.

2018-05-19 23:25:25 UTC  

it's a bit stacked yeah

2018-05-19 23:26:06 UTC  

But I doubt the bloggers would agree with us.

2018-05-19 23:26:28 UTC  

oh I'm sure they consider themselves to be the intellectual artillery of their movement :^)

2018-05-19 23:27:36 UTC  

I think what that debate was was the tiny, whiny, identity-charged left throwing their best shot at two very reasonable leftists, and failing utterly.

2018-05-19 23:27:53 UTC  

No conservatives on stage means that was a left-on-left debate.

2018-05-19 23:28:38 UTC  

uh dont you know that JBP is a right wing alt right racist transphobe nazi who converts people to the far right with memefrogs and telling them not to join the far right? reverse *psychology* from the psychologist bro

2018-05-19 23:28:43 UTC  


2018-05-19 23:29:04 UTC  

Well, he does practice traditional marriage... he must be a white supremacist.

2018-05-19 23:29:35 UTC  

"we should have a social expectation that people get married" "OMG HE WANTS WOMEN TO BE ASSIGNED TO MEN"

2018-05-19 23:31:10 UTC  

I took a screenshot of what my android news "feed" was trying to tell me about JBP yesterday

2018-05-19 23:31:23 UTC  

lol she pulls out the forced marriage thing in her first speech