Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 491321789624877067

2018-09-17 18:53:20 UTC  

@Lusos No. the only countries Jews have been expelled from are Muslim countries and Nazi germany.

2018-09-17 18:53:27 UTC  


2018-09-17 18:53:39 UTC  

This has gone from absurd to hollow, empty

2018-09-17 18:53:44 UTC  

My country was not Muslim, we were not natsocs and we expelled them.

2018-09-17 18:54:02 UTC  

cuz you're jealous of da jews

2018-09-17 18:54:08 UTC  

What are you talking about, Straight?

2018-09-17 18:54:11 UTC  


2018-09-17 18:54:12 UTC  

Pick a topic man

2018-09-17 18:54:17 UTC  

There is literally nothing to be jealous of.

2018-09-17 18:54:24 UTC  

jews will replace you

2018-09-17 18:54:29 UTC  

You're saying not allying with non-whites is bad or some shit?

2018-09-17 18:54:31 UTC  

@Lusos what country is that? Madeupia?

2018-09-17 18:54:46 UTC  

Zirg and Ye are lowest tier trolls, let them sperg

2018-09-17 18:54:49 UTC  

Think first country in Europe, R-tard.

2018-09-17 18:55:02 UTC  

Straight is actually capable of conversation, I think

2018-09-17 18:55:05 UTC  

Turkey is Muslim

2018-09-17 18:55:31 UTC  

Not Turkey, nice troll.

2018-09-17 18:56:06 UTC  

@RoadtoDawn Pick a topic!

2018-09-17 18:56:15 UTC  

What is your point??

2018-09-17 18:56:37 UTC  

What European country besides Nazi germany has ‘expelled’ the Jews

2018-09-17 18:57:29 UTC  

You fucking MONGOLOID

2018-09-17 18:57:34 UTC  

Wiki has this shit

2018-09-17 18:57:52 UTC  

Now fuck off and get bent, Ye. You nigger 😆

2018-09-17 18:57:55 UTC  

*This* is where you guys went!

2018-09-17 18:58:36 UTC  

Yup. Cause Ye doesn't just accept Naz fucking his wife, he wants Naz to fuck his mind.

2018-09-17 18:58:37 UTC  

I just saw jews will replace you 😂

2018-09-17 19:00:00 UTC  

Is zirg larping as a based black conservative or something?

2018-09-17 19:00:15 UTC  

Think he's real life role-playing as a cuck.

2018-09-17 19:00:43 UTC  

Not a good look....

2018-09-17 19:03:05 UTC  

@Deleted User So the Jews have been persecuted throughout history. What’s your point? It’s somehow their fault that white nationalist like you hate them?

2018-09-17 19:04:10 UTC  


2018-09-17 19:04:14 UTC  

Kayla, do you identify as alt-right?

2018-09-17 19:04:16 UTC  

"you hates da Juiiice"

2018-09-17 19:04:17 UTC  

The jews have been bullied by nationalists for no reason whatsoever?

2018-09-17 19:04:26 UTC  


2018-09-17 19:04:27 UTC  

Why is there a repeating theme of Jews being kicked out?
Do you think that "hate" comes from nowhere? Or is hate learned?

2018-09-17 19:04:33 UTC  

The point is that you don't get expelled for proper behavior

2018-09-17 19:04:39 UTC  

You dont get expelled OVER AND OVER and fucking over again

2018-09-17 19:04:48 UTC  

because you're such a benefit

2018-09-17 19:05:01 UTC  

You get expelled over and over, time and time again because you behave like a parasite.