Message from @Holo

Discord ID: 497040260367384579

2018-10-03 13:11:17 UTC  

Jesus gets mad at people who desecrate his and his father's house

2018-10-03 13:11:22 UTC  

sound familiar?

2018-10-03 13:12:02 UTC  

I have a father, we live in a house, that house is in the US, people who come, do not provide any sort of benefit to our society, yet continually take from it are desecrating it.

Yes, I'm mad

2018-10-03 13:35:46 UTC  

@Holo it’s more that that. The Bible, especially the New Testament, does not take an explicit political position on immigration. That means you can’t really argue that any position on the issue is explicitly unchristian. In reality, using Jesus as a political weapon is pretty unchristian.

2018-10-03 13:36:08 UTC  

You are right that lefty types ignore the fire and brimstone.

2018-10-03 13:36:08 UTC  

That too lol

2018-10-03 13:36:39 UTC  

People kind of forget that yes, help the poor, the sick, the weak

2018-10-03 13:36:47 UTC  

but not if it puts you in their position as well

2018-10-03 13:37:15 UTC  

Well, those are individual commands not societal commands

2018-10-03 13:37:16 UTC  

Plus people who abuse the system, who are not looking for help, only sustenance, are not poor

2018-10-03 13:37:45 UTC  

Then again i wouldn't consider myself a christian so who am i to talk to the religious aspect

2018-10-03 13:37:47 UTC  


2018-10-03 13:38:16 UTC  

Personally I'm just PO'd that they don't understand the reversal that this brings on.

2018-10-03 13:38:24 UTC  

that and don't care

2018-10-03 13:38:33 UTC  

My sister has works at a food distribution charity. She has told me that some people are incredibly ungrateful.

2018-10-03 13:38:49 UTC  

you'd be impressed how picky poor people are

2018-10-03 13:38:55 UTC  

/r/choosingbeggars is a fun sub

2018-10-03 13:39:55 UTC  

Well, that’s definitely true. I have met some incredibly grateful poor people. They actually understand humility and don’t complain that they are getting more canned green beans.

2018-10-03 13:40:12 UTC  


2018-10-03 13:40:21 UTC  

I've given some money here and there to some people who asked

2018-10-03 13:40:32 UTC  

Some people are really grateful

2018-10-03 13:40:41 UTC  

others just kinda give you the same spiel

2018-10-03 13:40:53 UTC  

I was driving with my mom one time

2018-10-03 13:40:59 UTC  

this woman was begging on the side of the road

2018-10-03 13:41:10 UTC  

we stopped at a gas station right next to the highway exit

2018-10-03 13:41:20 UTC  

after we were done we saw her coming out of the store with scratch offs

2018-10-03 13:41:25 UTC  

like jesus christ

2018-10-03 13:41:56 UTC  

my dad met a guy in new york who's job was literally begging on the streets

2018-10-03 13:42:17 UTC  

he'd go out, put on nasty clothes, beg on the street, stop for the day, put on a suit and tie and go home to his wife and kids

2018-10-03 13:42:40 UTC  

people like to complain about capitalism and corporate greed and yes no doubt that's an issue

2018-10-03 13:43:05 UTC  

but this taking culture we have, where people just expect handouts to fuel their desires and not their needs is ridiculous too

2018-10-03 13:44:54 UTC  

Where I grew up, I saw a guy in the city who had a cane and acted like he couldn’t walk. I then saw him turn a corner further down the street and run up a hill. I was really young, like 7 or 8, when I saw that. To this day I’m very skeptical about beggars. I want to help, but I can’t shake the assumption that they may be faking it.

2018-10-03 13:45:08 UTC  

if i had a surplus of money

2018-10-03 13:45:12 UTC  

i'd probably do it more often

2018-10-03 13:45:17 UTC  

but at the moment i'm struggling myself

2018-10-03 13:45:24 UTC  

i'm not giving you money just because i have a car and you don't

2018-10-03 13:45:51 UTC  

just because i have a job and scrape enough by to have a car, go out to eat once a month does not mean that you are entitled to my money because you can't

2018-10-03 13:46:27 UTC  

And let's be fair, some people are literally unable to work, and that's sad, but a lot of people simply don't want to

2018-10-03 13:46:42 UTC  

Yeah. I understand. I’m a little bit better off, so I can afford it some. I’d rather do other things where I know that the money and my time get used wisely.

2018-10-03 13:47:18 UTC  

i'd like to think if i had bill gates level of money i would finance all sorts of homeless shelters, but then i remember people who just abuse them

2018-10-03 13:47:37 UTC  

i don't want to satisfy your prefferred lifestyle