Message from @Salacious Swanky Cat

Discord ID: 498867317338538004

2018-10-08 13:49:14 UTC  

Authoritarianism is more likely inevitable in environmentalism, if people don't follow what they think is best. They will have to start controlling what people are able to do and not do.

2018-10-08 13:51:00 UTC  

Yeah. I’ve kind of noticed that. I argue with some on an energy news website. They always argue for more government control.

2018-10-08 13:52:25 UTC  

I wish we got more nuclear power, but people are still to worried about it. Even tho from everything i hear its very safe.

2018-10-08 13:54:24 UTC  

Ugh. I argue that a bunch. They spread so much misinformation about nuclear. It kills me.

2018-10-08 13:55:35 UTC  

We probably would be a majority nuclear country if the environmentalists hadn’t gone anti nuclear. No lie.

2018-10-08 13:55:52 UTC  

a lot of them are flipping now, as far as I can tell

2018-10-08 13:57:26 UTC  

Environmentalists? Yeah some, but not the ones I argue with. It’s insane what they say.

2018-10-08 13:58:32 UTC  

Shellenburger is an interesting guy, but he doesn’t necessarily characterize everything correctly.

2018-10-08 14:00:02 UTC  

He had a fairly good chat with Rubin once.

2018-10-08 14:02:22 UTC  

Yeah. I watched it. The environmentalists freaked out when he hosted Alex Epstein too. They think Rubin is just some Koch brother puppet.

2018-10-08 14:02:50 UTC  

he doesn't get money from them.....

2018-10-08 14:03:10 UTC  

its odd they still believe that.

2018-10-08 14:04:20 UTC  

Well, he did a collaboration with an organization that has some Koch funding. However, hosting Alex Epstein and not shouting him down is proof enough that he’s unclean.

2018-10-08 14:08:33 UTC  

I wouldn't really care who he collaborated with myself, as long as the person has good principles and hold to them.

2018-10-08 14:12:28 UTC  

Yeah. The jokers I argue with think the whole world should use 100% renewables. No questions asked. You are anti science if you disagree.

Don’t know what they think about agriculture yet, they could be even worse there.

2018-10-08 14:21:44 UTC  

Its always good to be smart about how we will treat this world. But that doesn't mean hurt the people living on it now, we will always get better at how we deal with renewable (technology wise) but right now, they cost more then they are worth.

2018-10-08 14:28:06 UTC  

Wind and solar are pretty cheap now. They just want to prevent nuclear with regulations. Even if it may be necessary for the future.

2018-10-08 14:35:29 UTC  

Wind and solar is some what cheap (after we pushed so much money in it) but it needs to get way better. They take up to much room and does cause there own environment problems and we aren't very good at storing the energy. It gives us very little of are overall % of energy. which isn't bad but like i said it still needs to get a lot better.

2018-10-08 14:39:05 UTC  

Well, that’s true to an extent, but the issue here is that these environmentalists practically think that supporting nuclear is a rejection of renewables. Apparently, you can’t support both.

2018-10-08 14:39:30 UTC  

which is silly.

2018-10-08 14:40:36 UTC  

Any money spent on nuclear is money taken away from renewables. No lie. That’s what they think

2018-10-08 14:41:30 UTC  

Do you just talk to hippies? heh

2018-10-08 14:42:20 UTC  

They aren’t all hippies. I think. Just inconsistent with applying principles.

2018-10-08 14:42:27 UTC  

It frustrates me.

2018-10-08 14:44:04 UTC  

Oh well, back to yelling at wrong people on the internet! (or maybe i'll go play a game).

2018-10-08 14:44:38 UTC  


2018-10-08 15:05:23 UTC  

my entire news feed on FB has been hysterical

2018-10-08 15:05:32 UTC  

for 2 straight days

2018-10-08 15:05:40 UTC  

they are going absolutely insane and it's hilarious

2018-10-08 15:06:53 UTC  

Really? I may log into mine and see what has happened. Lol

2018-10-08 15:09:04 UTC  

the screeches heard around the world

2018-10-08 15:25:26 UTC  

My entire feed is literally just babies.

2018-10-08 15:25:42 UTC  

Only one political comment.

2018-10-08 15:42:22 UTC  

They are definitely not acting like victims. They're behaving like "social" terrorists

2018-10-08 15:49:19 UTC  

Just remember everyone you don’t like is a Russian bot on the internet

2018-10-08 16:05:00 UTC  

I don't do FB

2018-10-08 16:05:28 UTC  

Ye, environmentalism is absolute much do you know about diesel and the trucking industry?

2018-10-08 16:35:56 UTC  

@J Edgar not too much. I do know that California has made it mandatory to put solar panels on your roof top.

2018-10-08 16:45:31 UTC  

That only applys to new construction

2018-10-08 16:47:35 UTC  

Will add. 10k min to house cost which will only make housing prices higher and homelessness worse

2018-10-08 16:49:29 UTC  

Yes. But it’s still a mandate to make people buy solar, regardless if they want to or not.