Message from @Jason Augustus
Discord ID: 299757320957853716
I loved drawing. The only reason I can't draw today is because I gave up years ago
Gave it up? How are you making the t shirts and stuff with a program? Not sure how that works
Graphic design is mostly just heavy manipulation of various elements. that last things I sent is mostly using a technique called Typography. It's an artform using mainy word placement with few elements
within the field, there's a bunch of sub fields you only find out about when you get deep into it
Sounds interesting
oh it's totally not. when I found out about it, I had to research it as it pertains to propaganda and that's like my only job. Typography is grueling and boring to learn, but once you get decent at it, it makes a world of difference with the end result
Haha Yeah was being sarcastic, looks like it makes a difference, awesome quote by glr
It's one of my favorites 😃
So what do you do for fun?
Right now I just work and work out, read, study. Read stuff online.
Since I became more Jew wise over the last few months I have stopped watching most tv shows, news, Facebook etc
What about you?
Well ya know how they say if you love your job you never work? That's sort of my position right now lol
I don't watch TV or play video games or anything like that
Yeah, I cant deal with video games or much else. I'm looking for new hobbies, would like to help out with activism stuff when possible
I always suggest to anyone who wants to get involved to find something you're passionate about, get really good at it, to the point where you can rival the pros, and just go all in in that field. Yes, we need street activists. If you love combat and physical fitness, then that is what you should be honing. We need writers. If you enjoy arguing on fb or debating, hone your skill in persuasive writing. We need artists, we need musicians, we need speakers, we need everyone, but we need them to be fanatics about what they're contributing on a deep personal level.
I enjoy being out there walking around or being physical, been working at it. Don't mind writing either
we are all a one-man-army. it will always be this way. it's great to be great at many things, I like to think I am that kind of person. But it is essential to know where your greatest strengths are and to utilize that the most
Very true
I still do street activism even though I'm 5'5 and weigh 130lbs soaking wet, but I am far from a street activist by title. I have not earned that.
Are you from Kentucky to?
Oh Jesus the heart of darkness like me
I moved to Indiana recently. NYC has become too hostile to our people
Yeah, ive no desire to go there, I absolutely hate living in Baltimore
Yeah that's like NYC the sequel
Yeah, I get so tired of being around people that are not like me, if you try to talk to anyone about this stuff people freak out
I've given up on conversation and debate. It serves no function. White people will realize, if they have not already by now, that they have to pick a side and pick it fast. All we do is hold up a flag to show we're Team White.
Yeah, the debate is useless. I'm pretty much over it too.
Most whites are traitors.
At least here
Well yeah, I mean I talk to people on our side only to kind of give further insight into National Socialism and the details of what we're doing, but beyond that I'm not out to convince anyone of anything
I used to be a libertarian even when I was racially aware, so we can all use some further learning
What are some of your favorite things to natsoc things to read? I'm looking for something to run tborgn
What have you read so far?
Don't be ashamed either if it's just been documentaries. I know people sometimes feel awkward if they haven't read much
Mein kampf, I'm into Goebbels right now it seems nazi sosi.
Then just documentaries speeches
I love and venerate Hitler with my whole heart and soul, but Mein Kampf is boring af
I would read GLR's White Power
Most relevant to us as US National Socialists
I'll order that one shortly