Message from @Salacious Swanky Cat

Discord ID: 511386183721549834

2018-11-12 03:17:57 UTC  

To me this is the case of bad management, NIMBYs, and misguided environmental groups.

2018-11-12 03:19:26 UTC  

The second amendment covered canons when it was put in place. So we should be able to own canons.

2018-11-12 03:27:15 UTC  

@grant Sent the email

2018-11-12 03:31:37 UTC  

I honestly don't get the people saying things about Trump sending out racial messages. I really mean it when I say they must be racist because only they can hear the secret racist dog whistles that only racist can hear. At the very least, they racialize everything which show they have a a racist mindset

2018-11-12 03:32:49 UTC  

@yuma_8 how good were they about clearing brush?

2018-11-12 03:33:59 UTC  

that clip cuts off the earlier context

2018-11-12 03:34:00 UTC  

@grant totally agree. It’s so dumb. I’m so sick of hearing the race crap. I just want to live and treat everyone equally.

2018-11-12 03:34:52 UTC  

When I lived in CA most cities/counties were bad about enforcing brush clearances. Additionally the Santa Ana winds and brush fire season are a thing every year even if the local government are to inept to prepare every year.

2018-11-12 03:35:22 UTC  

@Agent Smith which clip?

2018-11-12 03:36:11 UTC  

the trump clip

2018-11-12 03:37:03 UTC  

the 20 secs or so before had important context to him calling them stupid

2018-11-12 03:37:08 UTC  

I watched that press thing in real time. I laughed when it got to that part. I also thought it was funny when he was explaining how helicopter are loud so they have to speak up.

2018-11-12 03:37:30 UTC  

I told a girl in my high school sophomore class the same thing. Lol

2018-11-12 03:38:20 UTC  

Because she asked a stupid question. I got in trouble too. Lol

2018-11-12 03:42:55 UTC  

Yeah, my father use to get mad. By not doing the prevention ahead of time it was more work for the firefighters and more danger.

2018-11-12 03:43:43 UTC  

@yuma_8 welcome here. 😃

2018-11-12 03:44:10 UTC  
2018-11-12 03:45:13 UTC  

no answer about discord

2018-11-12 03:45:25 UTC  

yeah maybe I should have left it at that

2018-11-12 03:45:32 UTC  

and not included the other stuff

2018-11-12 03:46:07 UTC  

@yuma_8 that is correct. Some of my undergrad was in forestry. Several western climates have historically had a fire frequency of about 1 in 5-7 years. It’s been suppressed for about 100 years.

2018-11-12 03:51:11 UTC  

Ben didn't react the same way this time like the Michelle Fields situation

2018-11-12 03:52:13 UTC  

Yeah, I don't like the hypocrisy. At least matt and blonde are consistent. Either both bad, or both nothing.

2018-11-12 03:52:43 UTC  

I say both nothing.

2018-11-12 03:54:45 UTC  

Acosta should have been thrown out when the north Korea summit thing happened. HIs inserting himself in that setting was actually a national security thing.

2018-11-12 04:04:54 UTC  

"Bork street" lol

2018-11-12 04:05:52 UTC  

"Bourke" is pronounced "Berk"

2018-11-12 04:07:29 UTC  

Berk. Lol

2018-11-12 04:07:58 UTC  

yes, died in hospital

2018-11-12 04:08:10 UTC  

3 stabbed, 1 dead

2018-11-12 04:12:29 UTC  

Hey, there are trolls in the livechat again

2018-11-12 04:17:17 UTC  

Really? Bad ones?

2018-11-12 04:18:37 UTC  

she saw my comment, lol

2018-11-12 04:21:52 UTC  


2018-11-12 04:26:54 UTC  

@yuma_8 what @Agent Smith said, one of the things AU (or at least VIC, where we both live) does well is environmental management

2018-11-12 04:27:13 UTC  

Live chat moves to fast, for me to even tell what the trolls are saying.

2018-11-12 04:27:17 UTC  

I see controlled burns regularly here and it’s just part of the scenery now

2018-11-12 04:31:21 UTC  

Controlled burns happen all the time in the south. I’ve actually set a few.

2018-11-12 04:33:14 UTC  

Hilarious how the environmentally-friendly CA is so environmentally-friendly they want nature to take its course and get people killed

2018-11-12 04:34:09 UTC  

The most acreage I participated in one day is 4000 acres.

2018-11-12 04:34:24 UTC  

@grant oof