Message from @grant

Discord ID: 512787702413000724

2018-11-15 22:16:33 UTC  

I want Jeb! to run again

2018-11-15 22:16:54 UTC  

Put him on the Dem ticket if you have to. Bring back Jeb!

2018-11-15 22:25:28 UTC  

Things have been too exciting lately. How do we get the American people back to a more docile state?

2018-11-15 22:25:34 UTC  

....Jeb Bush?

2018-11-15 22:25:38 UTC  

Jeb Bush

2018-11-15 22:25:59 UTC  

Year of the pewter turtle

2018-11-15 22:41:33 UTC  

I cannot get enough of this new Super Smash Bros. meme

2018-11-15 23:16:20 UTC  

South africa just passed the bill to take land without compensation.

2018-11-15 23:20:09 UTC  

Rick Scott is gaining votes over Nelson

2018-11-15 23:20:57 UTC  

Are they still going?

2018-11-15 23:21:06 UTC  

Isn't there some kind of deadline?

2018-11-15 23:21:21 UTC  

Is he gaining because they have to verify the ballots?

2018-11-15 23:21:51 UTC  

Yeah. Today was supposed to be the deadline....freaking South Florida, man

2018-11-15 23:26:14 UTC  

Is Nelson losing votes because bad ballot are being thrown out, or are new votes coming in for scott?

2018-11-15 23:28:52 UTC  

It doesn't say. It just says that Scott scored 900 votes, Palm Beach County missed the deadline, Scott told Nelson to just give up and Nelson is trying to fundraise on the whole "voter suppression" angle

2018-11-15 23:30:39 UTC  

Is this off the recount or the initial count?

2018-11-15 23:30:48 UTC  


2018-11-15 23:32:51 UTC  

hmmm, that makes me think either Scott had 900 votes that should have been counted but weren't, or Nelson had 900 votes thrown out for being "invalid".

2018-11-15 23:34:31 UTC  

those would be our only options

2018-11-15 23:40:33 UTC  

Recount only scores Gillum 1 vote on DeSantis

2018-11-16 00:35:15 UTC  

Is anyone going to jail over the law breaking in the elections? Or at least getting fined?

2018-11-16 00:36:35 UTC  

probably not

2018-11-16 00:41:16 UTC  

That's the two tiered justice system that I hate.

2018-11-16 01:12:24 UTC  


2018-11-16 01:12:54 UTC  

Until Hillary Clinton goes to jail for doing what would have gotten everyone else here the Edward Snowden treatment there ain’t no justice in the world

2018-11-16 01:26:17 UTC  

Daily reminder that Swoden is a traitor who fluffs Putin's cock nowadays

2018-11-16 01:34:16 UTC  

But the standard still applies dunnit?

2018-11-16 01:34:34 UTC  

Same with this Avenatti kerfuffle

2018-11-16 01:34:48 UTC  

Now it’s one of theirs the left suddenly holds due process sacrosanct again

2018-11-16 01:45:57 UTC  

Reminder that the people who Snowden ratted on betrayed the American people and lied to their faces :^)

2018-11-16 01:47:09 UTC  

It’s the Benedict Arnold show

2018-11-16 01:47:16 UTC  

Who is the biggest turncoat

2018-11-16 01:49:13 UTC  

I'll take a cuck in Russia over traitors in the state tbh, but maybe those are my crazy Canadian sensibilities

2018-11-16 01:57:43 UTC  

I’m of the same mind really

2018-11-16 01:58:00 UTC  

And his betrayal involved getting the American people more informed about their government

2018-11-16 02:59:08 UTC  

If Hilldawg does run again how much collusion will there be this time?

2018-11-16 03:03:30 UTC  

@Deleted User the Yucatán crater would have nothing on it.

2018-11-16 03:06:28 UTC  

you mean collision yeah?

2018-11-16 03:10:31 UTC  

@Deleted User it’s a pun. A bad one.

2018-11-16 03:10:55 UTC  

Sal pls

2018-11-16 03:16:16 UTC  

If Hillary runs again, Trump should throw her in jail mid-election