Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 513187808337199125

2018-11-17 02:58:20 UTC  

I've only utterly ruined a plan once before and it was entirely in-character

2018-11-17 02:59:20 UTC  

Have you ever just started a story without rules and seen where it’s gone?

2018-11-17 02:59:35 UTC  

On my own, yes

2018-11-17 02:59:45 UTC  

In a group, I try not to. It goes to shit pretty fast

2018-11-17 03:00:02 UTC  

It can be pretty funny too.

2018-11-17 03:00:25 UTC  

Sure, but it also has to be the understanding that it's for shits and giggles

2018-11-17 03:00:55 UTC  

Some people take their LARPing a little too seriously but

2018-11-17 03:01:06 UTC  

It’s what got me out of board games tbh

2018-11-17 03:01:12 UTC  

Yeah. I guess so. I’ve never seriously done it seriously before.

2018-11-17 03:01:41 UTC  

One of the fun things about that game was that we won absurd fights against really powerful enemies, like we killed large groups of beastmen on two different occasions, a horde of mercs large enough that the GM had expected us to nope out of, a vargulf that we only stood a chance against because we had a rod that could shine sunlight on it to keep it from regenerating and several necromancers.

2018-11-17 03:02:09 UTC  

But the fight that we lost was against a party of BDSM elf slavers that equaled our numbers.

2018-11-17 03:02:58 UTC  

Well, there was also that time that we ended the campaign by attacking a guy that we didn't realize was one of the most powerful characters in the lore.

2018-11-17 03:03:04 UTC  

But that is different.

2018-11-17 03:03:12 UTC  

@Deleted User you find out quickly what kind of person GM is, lol

2018-11-17 03:03:26 UTC  

@RoadtoDawn unfortunately, and I can’t DM for shit

2018-11-17 03:03:47 UTC  

The only LARPing I’ve done outside of that context is playing pretend with my daughter

2018-11-17 03:03:49 UTC  

They exist only for your torture and humiliation 😜

2018-11-17 03:03:56 UTC  

Just put me off something serious

2018-11-17 03:04:24 UTC  

On that note but

2018-11-17 03:04:45 UTC  

I seriously thought about becoming a priest once, like right in the middle of a mental crisis I was having

2018-11-17 03:05:08 UTC  

When I told her about it she reacted by asking whether I was gonna be “killing vampires and werewolves and zombies”

2018-11-17 03:05:14 UTC  

Pulled me out of that rut real quick but

2018-11-17 03:05:43 UTC  

Sounds like she listened to Powerwolf a little too much

2018-11-17 03:05:57 UTC  

You reckon I raised her right? Lmao

2018-11-17 03:07:59 UTC  

We had a trend for a while where we'd do Dawn of Worlds, generate a setting and then play a few sessions in it using some DnD variant. One of these times, the DM created two neighbouring races that were basically harpies and goblins. The goblins were turbo imperialists. National pride turned up to 11. Rule Britannia blowing out the speakers type shit. The harpies are being colonized out the ass and have started to resist. We find a resistance group and my character, a loyal subject of the goblin monarchy, hurries back to gather reinforcements while the rest of the party stays to investigate

2018-11-17 03:08:42 UTC  

I see why y’all would want to do an SJW version of the game. It would probably be hilarious

2018-11-17 03:11:52 UTC  

They end up getting captured, and start a dialogue with the resistance leaders. Slowly over the next hour or so they work out a deal with the movement, vowing to bridge the gap between the two peoples and ensure the preservation of their culture
[Dvorak's New World Symphony intensifies]
Unbeknownst to these plucky diplomats, an airship full of loyal soldiers is floating towards the abandoned mine the resistance has been holing up in. At the orders of the pilot, the cabin dislodges and plunges into the mineshaft, stopping in the very room where the party is. Soldiers pour out and slaughter the resistance to a man

2018-11-17 03:13:41 UTC  

There would probably be more bickering about who is the most oppressed in the SJW version of it. Players would get nothing done

2018-11-17 03:15:50 UTC  

>Survivor Island: SJW edition.
See what group wins by surviving being stranded on a Pacific island. Rules: can’t leave island; all resources must come from island.

>groups: feminists, blacks, Muslims, lgbt, handicapable, and furries.

Will the groups work together to survive? Find out in the latest installment of PnP games. (Drugs not included)

2018-11-17 03:16:21 UTC  

Handicapable. Lol

2018-11-17 03:16:38 UTC  

Muslims will hang the LGBT and handicapable

2018-11-17 03:16:44 UTC  

Rape the feminists and blacks

2018-11-17 03:16:48 UTC  

Furries will convert

2018-11-17 03:16:48 UTC  

My character idenitfies as Water Lily. Hippie TERF who has PTSD after the election

2018-11-17 03:16:58 UTC  

@Deleted User hang? More like use as fuel.

2018-11-17 03:17:10 UTC  

Yeah but you don’t need them alive for that

2018-11-17 03:17:21 UTC  


2018-11-17 03:17:26 UTC  

Helps with stabilisation if they don’t run around screaming while burning

2018-11-17 03:18:57 UTC  

My character is Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad Allahuha akbar. Muhammad for short. Big believer in jihad. Totally lit for Wahhabism.

2018-11-17 03:21:16 UTC  

I changed my Steam name to Faisal al-Islam for a month

2018-11-17 03:21:24 UTC  

Got me kicked out of so many groups I was part of