Message from @Roneci

Discord ID: 540374105824952321

2019-01-31 03:30:06 UTC  


2019-01-31 03:30:07 UTC  

Ginsburg is already dead, they just haven't told us yet

2019-01-31 03:30:13 UTC  

rofl ginsbork

2019-01-31 03:30:26 UTC  

Silicon Valley is pretty left-wing, so... Ginsbot?

2019-01-31 03:30:29 UTC  

Someone tell Matt that

2019-01-31 03:30:30 UTC  

her head is probably frozen in a jar like walt disnet

2019-01-31 03:30:34 UTC  

I like ginsborg

2019-01-31 03:30:36 UTC  

I kinda feel bad for RBG. I feel like she is being forced to stay in this position and she is literally dying for this false cause.

2019-01-31 03:30:36 UTC  

He'll replace her, the senate will vote to confirm despite leftists claiming the candidate is a pedo-murderer, then the left will have a temper tantrum of yet unseen magnitude

2019-01-31 03:30:38 UTC  

the honorable ruff ginsbork

2019-01-31 03:30:46 UTC  

@Roneci I'm not sure that would work without bottoming out all unskilled labour positions for citizens too

2019-01-31 03:31:46 UTC  

i wouldnt be surprised if a bunch of antifas kidnap trump nominee's family and staged a hostage situation until the nominee steps down

2019-01-31 03:31:53 UTC  

I don't love the concept of min. wage, but I think scrapping it as a disincentive for illegals would do more harm than good

2019-01-31 03:31:55 UTC  

@Savage I do wonder about that, but I think that it's likely the wages citizens took would end up settling around the mid point between where the old minimum wage was and what companies were paying illegals.

2019-01-31 03:32:34 UTC  

Someone needs to shop Ginsberg's head onto bender's body like Nixon did in futurama and call it Ruth Bader Ginsborg

2019-01-31 03:32:39 UTC  

Can we FOIA the FBI over the Vegas investigation?

2019-01-31 03:32:46 UTC  

but if the illegals still are willing to work for those lower wages, they'll still likely get the jobs

2019-01-31 03:33:09 UTC  

there would definitely be a pain period of adjustment but I think it might yield longer term benefits -- especially as automation comes along, we might need to have really low paying simple jobs like George Jetson hitting his big red button.

2019-01-31 03:33:13 UTC  

@Roneci To me the primary incentives are there because we have many people who could be working, sitting on their asses.... This means the government is paying people not to work so a illlegal immigrant can come in and do the job they should do....

2019-01-31 03:33:32 UTC  

@Roneci building the wall is a quicker fix

2019-01-31 03:33:46 UTC  

@Savage Oh I don't disagree, it was just something I had been thinking about.

2019-01-31 03:34:50 UTC  

@The Best Answers yep that's definitely a huge issue as well.

2019-01-31 03:35:01 UTC  


2019-01-31 03:35:04 UTC  

@Roneci yeah for sure, it's a complicated topic

2019-01-31 03:35:17 UTC  

Would you buy a rifle today based on the old Model 8 auto design?

2019-01-31 03:36:07 UTC  

trump should get the pentagon to build a giant killer robot that looks like him and let it patrol the border and vaporize illegals

2019-01-31 03:36:24 UTC  


2019-01-31 03:36:43 UTC  

How do you bring pics in the chat??

2019-01-31 03:36:57 UTC  

can it say "you're fire" with every beam?

2019-01-31 03:37:02 UTC  


2019-01-31 03:37:11 UTC  

Yeah my buddy thinks the wall is stupid, he wants automated turrets and landmines

2019-01-31 03:37:39 UTC  

I have so many Illegal immigrants around me. One of the Networks say "Brown Pride"

2019-01-31 03:37:58 UTC  

I think the reason why people are searching for a hero or savior is because the nation is godless at this point.

2019-01-31 03:37:59 UTC  


2019-01-31 03:38:10 UTC  


2019-01-31 03:38:16 UTC  

For those that don't know

2019-01-31 03:38:40 UTC  

lol... I like a Alligators and Mountain Lion course.. If they get in they can stay..

2019-01-31 03:38:43 UTC  

Someone on Crowder's recent change my mind RE: the wall -- one of the kids who sat down said we didn't need a wall because we could have tunnel detectors. ... what would they be tunneling under in that scenario?

2019-01-31 03:38:48 UTC  

I'm convinced people have replaced god with sex nowadays

2019-01-31 03:38:55 UTC  

Univision, aka the beaner indoctrination network, always runs interviews with illegals about what a sob story their travel was

2019-01-31 03:40:09 UTC  

Depends how hot the girl is for me @Savage?