Message from @Shadows

Discord ID: 548751180126486578

2019-02-23 02:31:56 UTC  

NOT degeneracy

2019-02-23 02:39:56 UTC  

Though if you think I'm a contradiction, I've somehow got involved with a group of fascist trans woman and I for the life of me can't figure that out

2019-02-23 02:41:27 UTC  

Some think the Nazis were very pro trans while the rest to volunteer to oven themselves once fascism has finally won

2019-02-23 02:44:33 UTC  

Hmm, well I'm a contradiction in many ways

2019-02-23 02:44:39 UTC  

And wow, that's nuts

2019-02-23 02:45:32 UTC  

@RoadtoDawn how are you a contradiction

2019-02-23 02:46:49 UTC  

A sinner who tries to speak truth, haha

2019-02-23 02:56:18 UTC  

Hey now, that's all of us

2019-02-23 02:56:39 UTC  

The difference is we recognize it and try to do better

2019-02-23 03:22:43 UTC  

True that, holmes

2019-02-23 03:28:55 UTC  

We all sin, just differently

2019-02-23 03:34:45 UTC  


2019-02-23 04:18:38 UTC  

I'm kinda curious about this notion that the Nazis were cool with trans people.

2019-02-23 04:19:33 UTC  

Is the theory that they believed in the ubermensch, and thus that if a man couldn't aspire to that, he might ought to become a woman instead?

2019-02-23 04:19:40 UTC  

Or something else?

2019-02-23 04:23:38 UTC  

Maybe something involving the transformation and improvement of man?

2019-02-23 04:46:57 UTC  

Good evening bitches

2019-02-23 05:55:26 UTC  

There are women on this sever?

2019-02-23 05:55:34 UTC  


2019-02-23 06:11:17 UTC  

So I've just gone down a super weird time sink of twitter. From a beagle-themed conservative account to a more serious right-leaning legal scholar to Stonetoss to some kind of anime-Bible crossover thing. I think the multiverse theory is correct and we're careening towards some sort of singularity...🤡 🌐

2019-02-23 06:21:16 UTC  

Or just people with a lot of time on their hands (which isn't a bad thing).

2019-02-23 06:23:45 UTC  

Equally possible. It's just such a eclectic spiderweb of somewhat related things that I don't fully recall what point I started with. The anime thing probably threw me the most.

2019-02-23 06:25:51 UTC  

I joked in years past about how the next generation would rebel against the previous generation and now I'm seeing it in real time via twitter, memes, and crudely drawn frogs.

2019-02-23 06:25:59 UTC  

It's wild.

2019-02-23 16:55:55 UTC  

@everyone I wrote a few blog posts defending closed borders, thoughts?

2019-02-23 16:59:35 UTC  

I mean, I agree with it but I know most libertarians hate the idea of the social contract so I don't know how well it will be received

2019-02-23 16:59:51 UTC  

I'm having trouble getting any coherent criticisms, trying to ask around to other audiences..

2019-02-23 17:01:19 UTC  

right I knew there would be people with a gut negative reaction having something to do with "social contract", i just can't seem to get any coherent reasoning on the problem here

2019-02-23 17:01:52 UTC  

I've gotten a lot of positive feedback though, so I'm not sure if they just can't mount a reasonable attack on this or what

2019-02-23 17:05:10 UTC  

Well, it's because libertarians don't have good arguments against the social contract beyond "I did not sign it reeee"

2019-02-23 17:19:47 UTC  

and it's not like I disagree with that argument, of course there should be a signed contract. for a government like the US, it was intended to be voluntary and contractual, and this idea of birthright citizenship is a huge mistake in the implementation, we need to correct it

2019-02-23 17:21:07 UTC  

but on the other hand, these whiney, victim-mentality arguments that you're being subjected to things against your will, are totally BS. you *can* still opt out, you are totally free to do that at any time by renouncing your citizenship. I really don't want to hear you whine about how "taxation is theft"

2019-02-23 17:24:26 UTC  

I'm led to believe that renouncing US citizenship is itself a pretty lengthy and expensive legal process, which seems ironic. But it may in fact be the case that you actually can't opt out of the contract as it exists today.

2019-02-23 17:25:02 UTC  

it shouldn't be lengthy or expensive, that's another flaw with our current system

2019-02-23 17:27:49 UTC  

As far as the border argument, I haven't read yours yet, but it seems to me that the open-border argument is usually advocating for freedom of movement as a fundamental right (or something similar) but I think that also clashes with the idea of owning land and property rights and how those rights play out on the larger scale.

2019-02-23 17:33:33 UTC  

And now I see you already included that in your blog, literally the first quote.

2019-02-23 17:45:10 UTC  

I think you've made a pretty solid argument. If I were going to try and refute it, I'd probably go after something you already brought up where you've consented to be part of a system that in turn creates a law you consider unjust. Would I have to literally take my land and secede from the country to resolve that disagreement?

2019-02-23 17:46:08 UTC  

Would the country continue to recognize my right to that land in such a case?

2019-02-23 17:53:23 UTC  

@BeefSupreme just become an ISIL bride

2019-02-23 17:53:25 UTC  


2019-02-23 17:53:29 UTC  

Problem solved