Message from @Putz

Discord ID: 571070023494402090

2019-04-25 05:11:54 UTC  

might as well do something speical eh? I had a ridiculously good filet mignon one time. I could go for another. Throw some mashed potatoes in there, maybe double down and throw in some fish or something. Finish with a bit of apple pie

2019-04-25 05:12:14 UTC  

and drink?

2019-04-25 05:12:51 UTC  

Honestly probably water, maybe a glass of milk with the apple pie or a small ginger ale on the side. Not super big on sugary drinks

2019-04-25 05:13:15 UTC  

so no wine or beer?

2019-04-25 05:13:43 UTC  

I'd have a lot of really old sour cabbage so that after I die I'd have giant diarrhea and they would have to clean it.

2019-04-25 05:15:26 UTC  

Nah, I drink to get drunk and I'd rather go out with a little dignity

2019-04-25 05:29:51 UTC  

the hell is "dignity"?

2019-04-25 05:31:23 UTC  

that thing people who werent sent to the penal colony were supposed to have :^)
It died somewhere between the end of the empire and now

2019-04-25 09:30:41 UTC  

I had an interesting idea create a twitter account "Sargon of Akkad" and start tweeting out stuff from SJW accounts, quotes from them with no attribution, no word substitution but keep a record of where each quote comes from and wait to see how long he gets in shit for something the account says

2019-04-25 12:06:33 UTC  

It would happen the same day you started it.

2019-04-25 12:06:47 UTC  

I am almost certain.

2019-04-25 12:33:01 UTC  

I'd have chicken fried rice from my fav place with Arizona tea

2019-04-25 14:18:00 UTC  

I'd just tell them to get it over with. If I'm sentenced to death I'd rather just have them get it over with. Eating your last meal knowing it's your last sounds aweful.

2019-04-25 14:22:41 UTC  

Anyone else notice that it's acceptable for women to wave around depictions of their genitlals in public unironically and it's all good, but if a man does it with their own it's considered indecent.

2019-04-25 17:05:40 UTC  

They're allowed to, because they're fighting the patriarchy or whatever.

2019-04-25 19:47:48 UTC  

Atleast 3 dems are running with postalbanking on their platform (bernie, warren, amd gillabrand). Why is there no coverage of this terrible idea

2019-04-25 20:10:01 UTC  

I remember Blonde talking about it, but I don't remember what she had to say about it. That's probably why no one is talking about it, because people aren't aware of why it's a bad idea.

2019-04-25 20:14:17 UTC  

¿Can I ask the crowd a question?
There is a form of mental illness (not s serious one) where the sufferer thinks or talks in song/movie lyrics (Bubblebee from the Transformers movie has a bad case of it). ¿Anyone know the name? I think I remember the name implied it was audio illness...

2019-04-25 20:15:36 UTC  

I remember there was an episode of scrubs like that, except the patient heard other people singing. Don't remember the episode though.

2019-04-25 20:24:26 UTC  

It's a place to start maybe...

2019-04-25 20:28:23 UTC  
2019-04-25 20:33:47 UTC  

... Maybe not...

2019-04-25 20:41:05 UTC  

I know theres conditions where a song gets stuck in your head on permenant loop but not sure there is one where the person necessarily sings constant

2019-04-25 20:41:35 UTC  

Give it a week, there will be some rights group formed for it, then we will know, lol

2019-04-25 20:48:21 UTC  

I'm not sure I've even heard of postal banking before now

2019-04-25 21:07:41 UTC  

Didn't payday loan services become (more of) a thing because the government restricted interest rates on credit cards? So now the government wants to offer a "solution" to a problem it created in the first place? What a mess.

2019-04-25 22:31:46 UTC  

Thomas sowell has covered payday loans pretty thoroughly.

2019-04-25 22:52:13 UTC  

bruh got a good ass seat for tomorrow's 3pm imax 3D showing of thanos yeets the universe 2

2019-04-25 22:53:47 UTC  

I heard he ||doesn't yeet the other 50%||

2019-04-25 22:54:38 UTC  

all i had spoiled for me is he yeets the brie cunt in one punch lmao

2019-04-25 22:54:43 UTC  

that i can live with

2019-04-25 22:54:51 UTC  

plus she only has 15 min of showtime out of 3 hours

2019-04-25 22:54:53 UTC  


2019-04-25 22:54:57 UTC  

marvel is smart

2019-04-25 22:55:01 UTC  

they had 2 scripts ready

2019-04-25 22:55:02 UTC  

He needs to yeet the rest and give us the good end

2019-04-25 22:55:30 UTC  

well this film is supposed to be like the culmination of the 11 year 22 film thing

2019-04-25 22:55:35 UTC  

then ofc

2019-04-25 22:55:39 UTC  

comes phase four

2019-04-25 22:55:41 UTC  
