Message from @Mandatory Carry

Discord ID: 590248499422035968

2019-06-17 14:57:08 UTC  

Also I'm here to say I survived the great chat war of 6/16/19 May the Spam Jihad be defeated !

2019-06-17 15:04:17 UTC  

Allah akbar

2019-06-17 15:04:49 UTC  

@Mandatory Carry libertarianism went from its prior usage to a different prior usage to an umbrella term for anything ancap up to small govt

2019-06-17 15:05:19 UTC  

Especially if we're talking about the US party, which seems to have a lot of ancap and lefty influence

2019-06-17 15:05:41 UTC  

The bots were peaceful

2019-06-17 15:05:52 UTC  

The mods that cut em down are war criminals

2019-06-17 15:24:05 UTC  

Wow! Who’s the gentleman who wrote and performed the epic poem about Joe Bernstein? I’ll record the shit out of his work and YouTube it if he’s still interested in publishing.

2019-06-17 15:24:28 UTC  

“Blockhead Joe”… excellent work

2019-06-17 17:05:08 UTC  

Antifa and Wasteland Weekend are ideal libertarians.

2019-06-17 17:28:46 UTC  

Antifa would not be libertarians under the old definition, only under the umbrella term. Wasteland Weekend is just some LARPer shit

2019-06-17 18:06:03 UTC  

Libertarians don't want any state- Indeed, I've been called a *"boot licking statist"* more times than I care to count, sometimes *BY FRIENDS,* and one time for saying *"taxation isn't theft you lying (faggot), ¡theft is theft! Wasting tax money's one thing, calling taxes theft is just an outright lie!"* (that was a copy and paste).
Indeed, this was the incident that FINALLY forced my eyes open to what kind of people libertarians are... Right up there with (Brent's) stunt in Yorktown...
Please, @Beemann, I kinda like you... So stop lying to me.

2019-06-17 18:09:07 UTC  

Plenty of people who call themselves libertarian aren't anarchists. Beeman is correct that it's become a catch-all term in recent history

2019-06-17 18:19:28 UTC  

Taxation is theft!

2019-06-17 18:21:45 UTC  

Could be a spciy topic for <#586033832277442590>

2019-06-17 18:26:34 UTC  

>disagreement is lying
Libertarian used to exclude ancaps and now includes them, prior to that it was for "left libertarians"

2019-06-17 18:28:32 UTC  

I wouldn't encourage that, Tim.
It's not mere disagreement, Bee. I litterally copied and pasted the comment. (It was surprisingly easy to find, because that group is dead. 😢)

2019-06-17 18:30:14 UTC  

That's fine, *a* libertarian != libertarianism

2019-06-17 18:30:23 UTC  

Even within big L there's a lot of disagreement

2019-06-17 18:36:19 UTC  

There are purists in every movement. Leninists saying Stalinists arent marxist. Stalinists saying Maoists arent marxist. OR Paleocons saying neocons arent conservative and Neocons calling constitutional conservatives not conservative. Why do AnCaps get to define libertarianism if non of the other groups get to define conservatism or marxism?

2019-06-17 18:36:48 UTC  

Prove me wrong, @Beemann, prove me wrong...
Rule #1 of *Camp Awwannagohomeweluvu* (BKA *Boot Camp*); *"Perceptions are never wrong."*
I'll beleive that when I see it... And from my *own* "change my mind" expirence **HERE,** I'm not beleivinng it.

2019-06-17 18:37:58 UTC  

"Prove me wrong"
You have to prove yourself right first

2019-06-17 18:38:33 UTC  

If I say "I'm a libertarian" and I'm not anti government, then I have your exact evidence in the contrary

2019-06-17 18:42:35 UTC  

No Bee, my experience is what it is... This is the same *"No, **YOU** prove you're wrong"* shit that convinced me Debate wasn't worth my time anymore.
My mind IS made, I've never seen a not-anti-government libertarian.
I have seen MANY bullshit artists, though.

2019-06-17 18:43:50 UTC  

I would say libertarian is probably the best way to easily describe my position. I also know multiple Libertarians and libertarians that are for minarchy or higher levels of govt hierarchy

2019-06-17 18:44:28 UTC  

Rand and Ron Paul are frequently cited as libertarians, if not Libertarians, and are both for decreased government involvement

2019-06-17 18:44:44 UTC  

The problem when you work off of anecdotes only is that you make the conversation utterly asinine

2019-06-17 18:46:06 UTC  

I can't disprove an interaction you claim to have, but it is foolish to extrapolate your interactions to a larger population without any sort of dara backing it
Also perceptions are wrong all the time. Witnesses are one of the least reliable forms of evidence

2019-06-17 18:48:57 UTC  

*"I also know multiple Libertarians and libertarians that are for minarchy or higher levels of govt hierarchy"*
Ya. That's what I thought...
Stop. Please.
Lying sets off my PTSD and Bee... I kinda like you. So just stop.

2019-06-17 18:51:23 UTC  

>prove me wrong
>claims to the contrary? Must be lies
Nice one. Why are you here if you're only going to make bad faith statements?

2019-06-17 18:51:43 UTC  

Is anything that contradicts your preconceptions automatically assumed to be lies?

2019-06-17 20:30:02 UTC  

No, @C1PHER, *lies* are lies.
@Beemann here wants me to believe 2+2≠4, where my experience is 2+2≡4.
My experience is that *ALL* libertarians hate *ALL* government; The so-called *"moderates"* more or less *tolerate* local government... *As long as there's no law enforcement.* (Sometimes said *gendarmes* if being kindly, but most often said as *gestappo,* spelling errors and all.)
Now ¿*ONE "libertarian"* is saying *'No none of us are like that, those are just purists, those are anecdotal"* (and **DON'T** use that word with me, leftists turned it into a dirty word) *'**I'm** the real example"* and I'm supposed to just *accept* it? ¿*THOUSANDS* of *"purists"* are ***ALL*** lying, you're the way the light and the truth?
... You're joking, ¿right?
It's not on ***ME*** to prove ***MY***expirence is wrong, it's on ***YOU*** to prove my experience is wrong. Calling it *"bad faith statements"* is doing a lot to prove everything I've *perceived* about libertarians is correct.
Legalize claims he was banned from Reddit for ***ONE*** comment that *'wasn't supportive **ENOUGH**'* of gay pride; That's a prima facie bullshit statement... Except for the fact that it's happened to me *for even less.* (I asked if anyone was willing to discuss MandatoryCarry, I was banned by my own first *reply* because *"that's not libertarian."*)
¿You want me to believe 2+2≠4? Prove it. Otherwise, stop trying to bullshit me; I'm not buying it.

2019-06-17 20:38:48 UTC  

You're trying to argue that there's some sort of objective truth to your subjective experience, while assuming that others providing their subjective experience are arguing in bad faith. Nobody's going to want to engage in a conversation like that

2019-06-17 20:43:30 UTC  

Because it's bullshit.
I grew up with cattle, I know the smell a mile away. Now if you're gonna prove to me libertarians ARENT non-violent extreme anti-government weirdos then do so otherwise stop lying to me. You're wasting your time and mine.

2019-06-17 20:45:29 UTC  

The easiest way to "prove" that would be informing you that I'm a libertarian who's not anti-government. But you've already dismissed such claims as trolling.

2019-06-17 20:47:05 UTC  

Pretty much, ya.
***YOU*** are the *"anecdote,"* not the norm.

2019-06-17 20:47:10 UTC  

Also Matt has often described himself as libertarian leaning and I wouldnt call him a non-violent extreme anti-government weirdo

2019-06-17 20:48:43 UTC  

Your idea of the burden of proof is a strange one

2019-06-17 20:59:59 UTC  

"If you do it, it's just an anecdote. If I do it, it's hard evidence"

2019-06-17 21:31:33 UTC  

*'I don't care how many millions of people say 2+2=4,* FOR ME, *2+2=5 and that makes it true.'*
Remind me never to defend you again. 😒

2019-06-17 21:42:06 UTC  

We'rs not talking about 2 and 2 though, we're talking about a circular argument you've made