Message from @Lord Zedd

Discord ID: 608096220761554974

2019-08-05 17:38:01 UTC  

However, if someone were to fabricate this don't think they would have included the blurb at the end.
```My ideology has not changed for several years. My opinions on automation, immigration, and the rest predate Trump and his campaign for president. I put
ting this here because some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack. This is not the case. I know that the media
will probably call me a white supremacist anyway and blame Trump’s rhetoric. The media is infamous for fake news. Their reaction to this attack will likely just confirm that.

Many people think that the fight for America is already lost. They couldn’t be more wrong. This is just the beginning of the fight for America and Europe.```

2019-08-05 17:39:06 UTC  


2019-08-05 17:42:18 UTC  

Short answer is **idk**, long answer is **I don't know**.

2019-08-05 17:46:05 UTC  


2019-08-05 17:47:26 UTC  

Shouldn't be surprised

2019-08-05 17:49:16 UTC  

There are groups of accelerationists who have these scripts ready to launch when the next shooting inevitably happens, the same way that media companies pre-author obituaries for celebrities

2019-08-05 17:50:37 UTC  

It's easy enough to do. They're so hungry for a narrative and want to be the ones to break the story, they can be deceived without much hassle.

2019-08-05 19:11:00 UTC  

👐 (Jazz Hands)

2019-08-05 19:11:25 UTC  

wow with the Dow drop today looks like China is calling Trumps bluff

2019-08-05 19:15:20 UTC  

```Whatsoever I've feared has come to life
Whatsoever I've fought off became my life
Just when every day seemed to greet me with a smile
Sunspots have faded and now I'm doing time
Now I'm doing time'

Cause I've fell on black days
I've fell on black days (black days)```

2019-08-05 21:33:06 UTC  

the media machine is out in full...

2019-08-05 21:41:04 UTC  

The lefties are completely losing their minds?

2019-08-05 21:42:51 UTC  

Check out the <#266401012967931905> I just posted, evidently Peter Strzok is back at the FBI now

2019-08-05 21:43:48 UTC  

As if we needed anymore wonderful news today 😡

2019-08-05 21:50:39 UTC  

This fake news frenzy over the shootings feels to me like desperation on the left after the Mueller and Dem primary debate debacles.

2019-08-05 21:55:19 UTC  

tryna make BANK off the outrage yo

2019-08-05 22:09:27 UTC  

They're trying to make everyone lose their fucking minds.

2019-08-05 22:12:15 UTC  

Enemies of the people.

2019-08-06 00:36:42 UTC  

oh fun looks like Extinction Rebellion are protesting in town today blocking roads and being a general pain in the ass

2019-08-06 00:37:10 UTC  

where this time?

2019-08-06 00:37:16 UTC  


2019-08-06 00:37:30 UTC  

are they all unwashed hippies

2019-08-06 00:37:45 UTC  

I'm about to head into town too

2019-08-06 00:37:53 UTC  

not melbourne for once..odd

2019-08-06 00:37:56 UTC  

at least half it looks like

2019-08-06 00:38:14 UTC  

that sucks.

2019-08-06 00:38:44 UTC  

good luck

2019-08-06 00:38:50 UTC  

these nutters actually think we're on the verge of extinction it's very much a religion now

2019-08-06 00:38:57 UTC  


2019-08-06 00:39:22 UTC  

secular religion ...yep pretty much

2019-08-06 00:39:52 UTC  

I wonder how many of them are anti GMO

2019-08-06 00:40:02 UTC  

and anti Nuclear I bet it's all of them

2019-08-06 00:40:13 UTC  


2019-08-06 00:40:40 UTC  

safe bet

2019-08-06 00:41:24 UTC  

hmm from the photos it seems they've been at City Hall and the botanical gardens so they're probably where I have to go

2019-08-06 01:07:39 UTC  


2019-08-06 02:09:39 UTC  

You know the new red flag laws could be the beginning of the revocation of property rights in the US first they say you're a crazy Nazi and take your guns. Then they say you're a crazy Nazi who shouldn't own property so they slap you with eminent domain and don't pay you.

2019-08-06 03:16:40 UTC  

I fear Eminem Domain

2019-08-06 05:53:19 UTC  

I fear Bacon

2019-08-06 06:33:29 UTC  

I remember when intersectionality was called Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon

2019-08-06 06:33:35 UTC  

sorry, recycling my old joke