Message from @Beemann
Discord ID: 608532355027697667
I mean, it's far-fetched, but... you know
far more likely that social breakdown has created desperate, violent people
Yeah but you can do a lot more damage with damage than just guns.
sure, but theyre making a political statement
that much is obvious by the method and the manifestos
Columbine had the same thing of manifestoes I think there has to be more than just manifestoes
More how?
for what must there be more?
The Christ church shooting and the El Paso shooting had two similarities the idea of eco-terrorism
Dat Spyro 3
sure, and that comes from the social breakdown
we have an alarmist media, low social trust, and the narrative of overwhelming issues that will fuck the average person
that's a fair assessment
But my mind thinks that I am a missing something
If you dont have strong internal morals, it's easy to get lost in the frivolity and mundanity
these are people who would have been fathers if they A) trusted enough to invest in the future and B) had people they felt comfortable investing in
What a a growing amount of people are having trouble with is a place they can belong.
yes, because nobody is building up
every transaction, every relationship you have, is held on a temporary basis now
You mean... your name isnt really beeman?!?!
we may interact in here every day for the next year, but we'll never actually see each other. You cant count on me to watch your kids or take part in a community watch, or look out for your localized needs
Hit the nail on the head
that's happening even on a personal, face-to-face level though
it's not just like that online though, it's like that in meatspace as well
which is... sad
Partially to blame is social media
it's been happening for years
And internetting
been reading Bowling Alone
predates the internet
started in the 60s and 70s
Like, my spawn has been asking me to look for someone and settle down so she can have siblings
that whole idea of trusting someone enough to make the next generation with them
out the fucken window