Message from @DJ_Anuz

Discord ID: 613164383303892993

2019-08-19 22:57:17 UTC  

Hey Tim....You should be more concerned about a police shooting than antifa...

2019-08-19 22:58:14 UTC  

You have a bad shooting....Philly will burn

2019-08-19 22:59:07 UTC  

If you walk through West Philly without a weapon....Then you are my hero...

2019-08-19 22:59:38 UTC  

West Philly is a scary place

2019-08-19 23:01:07 UTC  

Is Baltimore considered a war zone yet? Or are we still dancing around that?

2019-08-19 23:13:48 UTC  

Angels and ministers of grace....... defend us.......

2019-08-20 00:04:37 UTC  

So my wife, 27, got in an argument with younger brother, 14, about how he needs to try harder in school and take it more seriously and that he should go to college. He got mad at her and called her a "boomer" as an insult. To be fair hes one of those zoomers that lives on YouTube and wants to be pewdiepie or markiplier when hes older. I figure most of you would might side with him in foregoing traditional college but idk hes 14 and I dont know why I'm sharing this

2019-08-20 00:11:59 UTC  

He shouldn't be a YouTuber.

2019-08-20 00:12:45 UTC  

YouTube is dying, that being said, he would be a lot better off going and doing summer sales, learn to code, or just see if a small tech startup would be willing to intern.

2019-08-20 00:13:12 UTC  

He wants to learn to code because he wants to be a video game creator

2019-08-20 00:13:43 UTC  

Which is a difficult but fair business, and a lot of the skills translate into other markets.

2019-08-20 00:13:59 UTC  

forgoing traditional college is a good thing...find a good trade school

2019-08-20 00:13:59 UTC  

Which is fine but playing CoD 8 hours a day doesn't help

2019-08-20 00:14:07 UTC  

So long as he's learning how to problem solve and create something, I'd say he'll do fine.

2019-08-20 00:14:28 UTC  

at 14 he should at least know html and be learning python

2019-08-20 00:14:31 UTC  

Sorry forknife

2019-08-20 00:14:54 UTC  

He is trying to learn python on his own via YouTube tutorials

2019-08-20 00:15:52 UTC  

Ah nvm

2019-08-20 00:16:00 UTC  

Bunch of typing nvm ignore me

2019-08-20 00:16:21 UTC  

I remember when I was his age I was similar with my game usage. Telling him not to play games won't get him to stop, but if you teach him about job opportunities, and how much life costs as an adult that might help.

I know what kicked me into gear for developing marketable skills was my parents forcing me to sit down and go over family finances.

2019-08-20 00:17:13 UTC  

Learning just how expensive living was made me realize that if I wanted to keep playing games in my young adulthood I would need to really develop skills so that I made a lot of money relative to the hours I put into that work.

2019-08-20 00:18:43 UTC  

But everyone is different. For all I know, nobody else would react the same way I did.

2019-08-20 00:22:42 UTC  

In short he get what he wants and does nothing for himself because he's manipulative and selfish and lazy and his dad is barely around. I guess what I'm saying is Im afraid he won't do anything with his life except excel at laziness and mediocrity

2019-08-20 00:24:29 UTC  

Totally possible, but what you described seems pretty typical for 14 year olds these days.

We don't give anyone any responsibility till they leave the house, and then are surprised when they are entitled pricks.

2019-08-20 00:26:19 UTC  

Yeah that might slap him hard in the face one day. Although it did the opposite for one if his sisters who, after going to dental school for 2 years, found out she can make twice as much money and pay no taxes by stripping under the table. And btw that's NOT my wife, diff sister

2019-08-20 00:27:39 UTC  


2019-08-20 00:27:47 UTC  

I remember when CoD used to mean "cash on delivery"

2019-08-20 00:28:18 UTC  

not call of fucken duty

2019-08-20 00:28:50 UTC  

Jesus Christ

2019-08-20 00:35:25 UTC  

@Clive hey. If it works for her, then it works.

2019-08-20 00:37:07 UTC  

Well, if you've got the goods, people are gonna buy em

2019-08-20 00:37:11 UTC  

can't complain about that

2019-08-20 00:38:47 UTC  

If I was an attractive woman, I'd be doing what Belle Delphine does, and take the money to invest in real estate for when my looks can no longer keep up.

2019-08-20 00:39:45 UTC  

That's fair

2019-08-20 00:40:20 UTC  

Belle Delphine isn't really all that attractive tbh; I'd like to see what she looks like under that pavement stack on her face

2019-08-20 00:40:43 UTC  

But she - or whoever is handling her behind the scenes (and yes, that's a pun) - has good business sense

2019-08-20 00:41:21 UTC  

That other hit or miss tiktok chick looked better imo

2019-08-20 00:41:46 UTC  

just couldn't capitalize well enough... or doesn't have as much controversy around here I guess

2019-08-20 00:42:01 UTC  

It's true. You don't even need to be a 10 to make a killing selling your body.

2019-08-20 00:42:17 UTC  

That's fair