Message from @FitnessByHeatherHeyer

Discord ID: 627645863182860307

2019-09-28 23:16:28 UTC  

so essentially what you're saying is jews know communism is bullshit but spread it as revenge?

2019-09-28 23:16:30 UTC  

Same concept

2019-09-28 23:16:36 UTC  


2019-09-28 23:16:49 UTC  

The books 200 years together explains it very well, I can send you a link if you like for the audio version

2019-09-28 23:17:01 UTC  

It was written by the same man who wrote Gulag archipelago

2019-09-28 23:17:29 UTC  

yeah Solzhenitsyn

2019-09-28 23:17:31 UTC  

200 years together and is not translated into English,. The jewish-owned writing and Publishing Guilds of Western Nations have fought tooth-and-nail to keep that book a complete secret and never let the Russian version be translated into English.

2019-09-28 23:18:22 UTC  

How much do you have to hate the Jews to assume that they willingly subjected themselves to one of the most murderous ideologies in history simply out of spite?

2019-09-28 23:18:46 UTC  

I mean

2019-09-28 23:18:55 UTC  

jews in russia were getting screwed ether way

2019-09-28 23:18:57 UTC  

How much do you have to hate Christian and Ed of European populations to spread communism out of spite

2019-09-28 23:19:11 UTC  

arguably they faired better under stalin than under the czar

2019-09-28 23:19:16 UTC  

It's not an assumption, it's an absolute fact

2019-09-28 23:19:31 UTC  

The fact that that book has been blocked from translation is a Monumental piece of evidence

2019-09-28 23:19:41 UTC  

pogroms and the like

2019-09-28 23:19:44 UTC  

Because I swear to God after you listen to the first 6 chapters you're going to be the Soviet Union in a completely different way

2019-09-28 23:19:57 UTC  

I don't speak russian @FitnessByHeatherHeyer

2019-09-28 23:20:05 UTC  

The audio book is in English

2019-09-28 23:20:09 UTC  


2019-09-28 23:20:12 UTC  

There's no printed English version yet

2019-09-28 23:20:34 UTC  

It's not an official audio books, it's actually a guy mimicking Jordan Peterson's voice reading it and translating it

2019-09-28 23:20:44 UTC  


2019-09-28 23:20:49 UTC  

that's a twist

2019-09-28 23:21:11 UTC  

so what exactly is the book trying to say

2019-09-28 23:21:30 UTC  

the gulag archipelago was about the secret deeds of the Commies

2019-09-28 23:21:47 UTC  

He talks about the origins of the Jews in Russia. From the time they emigrated in the 1700s from Poland, who they were, where they came from, how they were treated, how they treated others, how they failed to assimilate on purpose, it's a very in-depth

2019-09-28 23:22:04 UTC  

I've read the gulag archipelago, I know

2019-09-28 23:22:41 UTC  

The Russian Revolution was hijacked by the Bolsheviks

2019-09-28 23:22:50 UTC  

the gulag archipelago is not an objective book is my point. It's an indictment of communism. What is this book's case?

2019-09-28 23:22:56 UTC  

Hating the Jews as a whole because some spread communism is as stupid as hating Europeans as a whole because some were colonialists

2019-09-28 23:23:04 UTC  

Just gonna leave that there

2019-09-28 23:23:35 UTC  

Yeah I'm going to go ahead and disagree with you there. I'm not going to pretend like I don't see the majority of Jewish people trying to turn white people into monsters, flood our nation's with immigrants, stifle our speech, established money rackets on Wall Street,

2019-09-28 23:23:51 UTC  

That's fine, you can keep your head in the ground if you like, life is easier that way

2019-09-28 23:24:02 UTC  

They'll thank you for it

2019-09-28 23:24:14 UTC  

Give a man someone to feel superior to and he'll eat out of your hands forever

2019-09-28 23:24:50 UTC  


2019-09-28 23:24:55 UTC  

You've failed to provide an argument so far

2019-09-28 23:25:29 UTC  

Kek so have you. "Most Jews are communists" is not an argument for hating Jews

2019-09-28 23:25:44 UTC  

It's one for hating communist Jews

2019-09-28 23:25:59 UTC  

Which is perfectly acceptable