Message from @Beemann

Discord ID: 641718163712507909

2019-11-06 19:10:01 UTC  

we are the only ones to be trusted

2019-11-06 19:10:12 UTC

2019-11-06 19:10:30 UTC  

That doesnt support your point

2019-11-06 19:10:53 UTC  

Lol. So you're literally illiterate? Explains a lot.

2019-11-06 19:11:23 UTC  

>you dont understand your position but I do
Is this tumblr?

2019-11-06 19:12:12 UTC  

You were talking about communism as one central system or many smaller subsystems. Round made comments about warlords and such

2019-11-06 19:12:26 UTC  

> that thing I said didn't mean what the words said because waaaaaaaaah
It may be.

2019-11-06 19:13:16 UTC  

How do you get "centralization of any sort = authoritarianism" from "you can try to set up a totalitarian state in a smaller system but it's harder if you keep scaling down"

2019-11-06 19:13:22 UTC  

And...? If you can have local totalitarianism, then it proves that scope and centralization are severable...

2019-11-06 19:14:06 UTC  

No it doesnt, it just isn't a smooth curve from 0 to 100. All it boils down to is who has power and over what, no?

2019-11-06 19:14:07 UTC  

> How do you get "centralization of any sort = authoritarianism"
Because you said exactly that, multiple times, you lunatic.

2019-11-06 19:15:03 UTC  

> who has power and over what, no?
Lol. So fucking dishonest. Those are two entirely different questions.

2019-11-06 19:15:30 UTC  

What you have power over is necessarily a factor of the amount of power you have

2019-11-06 19:16:06 UTC  

I don't follow. What do you mean by that?

2019-11-06 19:16:26 UTC  

Most voters have (very limited) power over a very big thing but don't have much power.

2019-11-06 19:16:40 UTC  

Well, you can have total power over some things but not others, or you can have a lot of power over a small group, but less over a large one

2019-11-06 19:16:55 UTC  

That's my point pretty much.

2019-11-06 19:17:08 UTC  

Amount of power and subject of power aren't necessarily related.

2019-11-06 19:18:17 UTC

2019-11-06 19:18:30 UTC  

But they are. Are you more powerful if you have total control over one person, than someone who has moderate control over 100 people? It depends on what you can get accomplished, no? So a moderately successful populist could have more power than a feared slave owner

2019-11-06 19:18:52 UTC  

Even though he has less control over each component part of his power base

2019-11-06 19:19:04 UTC  

put the commies in prison. simple

2019-11-06 19:19:16 UTC  

Doesn't that just demonstrate how they aren't though?

2019-11-06 19:19:46 UTC  

No, because again, power is the output. You can accomplish a lot with one very dedicated, loyal follower

2019-11-06 19:19:58 UTC  

More than someone with minor influence over millions, for instance

2019-11-06 19:20:03 UTC  


2019-11-06 19:20:07 UTC  

or fire them. Shame is what we need. We used to have shame.

2019-11-06 19:20:20 UTC  

How does that separate them? It's the same equation

2019-11-06 19:20:20 UTC  

So the size of the thing you have power over doesn't necessarily correlate with the amount of power you have.

2019-11-06 19:20:53 UTC  

It necessarily correlates, it just may not be the be-all end-all

2019-11-06 19:21:00 UTC  

Social Norms are the solution, not beating them philosophically or intellectually

2019-11-06 19:21:28 UTC  

I think most of these examples don't show a correlation but this conversation is starting to feel stupid.

2019-11-06 19:21:30 UTC  

Rigorous, brutal social norm enforcement

2019-11-06 19:22:17 UTC  

You're so smart, what do you think you know what's best for me?

2019-11-06 19:22:53 UTC  

Doesnt social norm enforcement imply you know what's best?

2019-11-06 19:23:15 UTC  

Chemical castration of children should be shamed

2019-11-06 19:23:21 UTC  

we start with that

2019-11-06 19:23:21 UTC  

> What you have power over is necessarily a factor of the amount of power you have
No shit, you sperg. Both are aspects of authoritarianism, neither of centralization.

2019-11-06 19:23:42 UTC  

Public shame is the only thing that's allowing for the chemical castration of children.

2019-11-06 19:23:47 UTC  

Yeah we're not going to get anywhere with this lol

2019-11-06 19:24:03 UTC  

social norms are driven by the family, neighbors and churches.