Message from @Lyrecium
Discord ID: 646929293817151488
Donate to Bernie, no refunds!
Bernie -- Donate to me, I need another house
Bernie: Donate to me, so I can afford $15 an hour minimum wage for my staffers
you right
Feel the bern staffers
fun fact all of Biden's kids are married to jews
lol, imagine my shock
he has like four kids too
Only Liberal Jews and Ben Shapiro suck
who has crazier eyes Schiff or Booker?
He's got that wide-eyed eyes-wide-shut fucken look to him
Booker just looks like he got a surprise dick up his ass all the time
(which he likes)
Adam Schiff went to 27 parties at Ed Buck's home.
Nightmare fuel
Adam Schiff Associate Arrested By LAPD On Pedophilia Charges
Dr. Bruce Hensel, a long-term associate of Rep. Adam Schiff, has been arrested in Los Angeles on pedophilia related charges after he asked a 9-year-old girl to send him sexually suggestive pictures, according to prosecutors and law enforcement.
Rep. Adam Schiff and Dr. Hensel have been closely linked for years, with the LA Times describing the doctor as a “special guest” at Schiff’s 50th birthday party in 2010. Schiff also handpicked Dr. Hensel to work with him on health care townhalls in California and has been the recipient of big dollar donations from the 71-year-old throughout his political career.
The Los Angeles Police Department confirmed Dr. Hensel was arrested Wednesday morning in Beverly Hills and charged with contact with a minor for sexual purposes.
The arrest came after a child sexual exploitation investigation involving the 9-year-old after inappropriate messages and photographs were shared between the child and Dr. Hensel.
Yep. Wasn’t he also friends with Ed Buck?
Adam Schiff went to 27 parties at Ed Buck's home.
For real?
Ahhh a nice November rain is pattering on my roof.
perfect time for some Nick Drake
listen to the album pink moon
@Lyrecium god I love the internet, friend made this trailer out of my videos.....
>Pinhead productions
seriously what the fuck is she doing