Message from @Chibs
Discord ID: 647816280035950594
@Legalize Are you the one to go to?
there is a christian sub-server?
So I've heard, unless it's an inside joke that went over my head
I’m pretty sure it’s real. Whenever people discuss religion here, legalize posts an invite and tells people to DM him their denomination.
Yeah PM Legalize. He’ll get you in there.
im not allowed in cos im a filthy atheist 😦
@Deleted User we Christians love all our borthers and sisters unless they're Atheirsts 😒
I appreciate that
@Deleted User
Lol. You're going to burn in Hell.
I know it
hell is not banging Abby Shapiro
I step out of the shower and someone drew a swastika on ny mirror!
How could someone have so much hate in their hearts. I need a godfundme
well a godfundme is known as a church around here
Lol. Wtf?
the chub in his pants
why don't his shoes have any laces
are they trying to keep him from Epsteining himself
Turner's not that well endowed.
Full of the juice you need to jeep going
(Sung to "I Am Woman" by Helen Reddy)
I'm a woman; vote for me!
I'm opposed to poverty,
and I want to raise the taxes that you pay!
We're a nation that is great...
at least since Roe Vs. Wade...
because elective abortion is a right!
Oh, yes; I am wise
Look at all of my degrees!
Oh, yes; you'll pay the price.
It's time you paid your fair share.
If I want to, I can ban anything.
I am strong. (Strong)
I am invincible. (Invincible)
We need open borders, too; they'll do jobs that we won't do! We need a $15 an hour minimum wage!
Reparations, for the slaves, who have long been in their graves. Because it's never too late for us to right a wrong!"
Oh, yes; I am wise
Look at all of my degrees!
Oh, yes; you'll pay the price.
It's time you paid your fair share.
If I want to, I can ban anything.
I am strong. (Strong)
I am invincible. (Invincible)
What's her Native American song?
They sacrifice a buffalo at the end of the song to gain its spirit strength.
Leftists be like: "How could someone have so much hate in their hearts to draw a Swastika!?"
Also leftists:
@JoJo, Kомик this version is 1:1024th Native American.
Warren really is the worst of the lot
Certainly the most meme worthy
You can recycle all the clinton memes on her and then she has race hoaxing and communism on top
People get the representatives they deserve.
Ok someone fill me in. What di the groypers stand for and why are they in opposition to TPUSA?
Is it purely a pro/anti Israel feud or is there more to it
They're Paleocons. And because Turning Points is fucking awful.
It's Israel, immigration, TP pretending social liberalism is """conservative""".
This is basically Buckley's purge, but in reverse.