Message from @Unironic Ohio Supremecist

Discord ID: 647912432374906940

2019-11-23 21:28:29 UTC  

Oh C'Mon!, @Unironic Ohio Supremecist, the fucking Japs were your bros back in the day...

2019-11-23 21:28:40 UTC  

>iq stats

2019-11-23 21:28:52 UTC  

I wouldnt go there, yellow

2019-11-23 21:28:53 UTC  

Sure. They're honorary and whatever.

2019-11-23 21:29:07 UTC  

But don't bang them.

2019-11-23 21:29:35 UTC  

@JoJo, Kомик I think she's gorgeous. To me, she's a hard 9.

2019-11-23 21:29:38 UTC  

Some happa chicks are alright, but hapa dudes are literal subhumans.

2019-11-23 21:29:48 UTC  

Don't risk it.

2019-11-23 21:30:15 UTC  

Asians have the lowest health issues and lowest infant mortality rates
Trumping whites by a lot
As well as having the highest IQ's

I don't see why white supremacists aren't asian supremacists
If you want to compare races by stuff like that whites don't come out on top

2019-11-23 21:30:53 UTC  

They eat dogs

2019-11-23 21:31:03 UTC  

Dude, I was literally saying the exact same thing with my Gay Ancap just last night.

2019-11-23 21:31:04 UTC  


2019-11-23 21:31:30 UTC  

I married a Korean. No complaints

2019-11-23 21:31:38 UTC  

That's great @Hastur
She's good looking
Definitely not my type, bit if you like her that's great

2019-11-23 21:31:42 UTC  

This guy knows where it's at...

2019-11-23 21:31:48 UTC  

Thanks bud haha

2019-11-23 21:31:52 UTC  

Comment bombed

2019-11-23 21:32:03 UTC  

My son is 7 and can do complex math in his head

2019-11-23 21:32:24 UTC  

Like times and 3 digit addition and subtrac

2019-11-23 21:32:37 UTC  

My wife has a room in our house set aside for his studies

2019-11-23 21:32:41 UTC  

@JoJo, Kомик
Because "white supremacist" is a made up Jew slur, maybe?

2019-11-23 21:33:00 UTC  

*Not sure if should be happy for intelligence or sad for stereotype*

2019-11-23 21:33:10 UTC  


2019-11-23 21:33:25 UTC  

I mean, if you want to start going off health issues and IQ and life spans and shit like that to state one race is inferior
Why not breed only with asians so you get truly superior children?
Why gimp yourself with white women?
That never made sense to me

2019-11-23 21:33:38 UTC  

Seriously though, dude, good on him and you. Cultivate that talent.

2019-11-23 21:33:50 UTC  

I care about whites because they're MY people.

2019-11-23 21:34:10 UTC  

I could not care less about muh superiority.

2019-11-23 21:34:17 UTC  

Oh my wifes not even that bad as far as the local koreans go

2019-11-23 21:34:36 UTC  

There are some dreadful bitches out there

2019-11-23 21:35:27 UTC  

Seems like white supremacist just want their own in-group to be better
So they point out where other races are inferior
While quietly ignoring the race that beats them in every area

Funnily, the best things whites have made are shit they hate
Shit like their values on equality for all

2019-11-23 21:35:29 UTC  

Thanks king

2019-11-23 21:35:42 UTC  

Oh I blocked those clowns.

2019-11-23 21:35:50 UTC  

I don’t even know what they say

2019-11-23 21:35:56 UTC  

It "seems" that way because you're a retarded boomer.

2019-11-23 21:36:00 UTC  

I came up in a broken home on welfare. I had potential, but I didn't have the support system to really take advantge of the talents I could have had.

2019-11-23 21:36:04 UTC  

And Shabbos goy.

2019-11-23 21:36:15 UTC  

I'm the biggest clown of all
I must be blocked

2019-11-23 21:36:25 UTC  

It is never to late to improve yourself jing

2019-11-23 21:36:27 UTC  


2019-11-23 21:36:35 UTC  

Oh, I got out.

2019-11-23 21:36:41 UTC