Message from @The Bitter Draught

Discord ID: 647915934824005682

2019-11-23 21:39:47 UTC  

Im a huge lovecraft fan

2019-11-23 21:39:59 UTC  

Come on, guys. We're all on the same team here.

2019-11-23 21:40:19 UTC  

White Nationalists: "I can say [REDACTED] all I want! I'm not here for your feelings!"

Also White Nationalists: "DID YOU JUST CALL ME A WHITE SUPREMACIST!? [5 hour rant about how white supremacist don't exist]"

2019-11-23 21:40:31 UTC  

sectarian groups are best served by home rule, or by their own rule. How this makes someone a white nationalist is beyond me

2019-11-23 21:40:56 UTC  

>you hurt my feelings is the same as pointing out a word being misused...

2019-11-23 21:41:18 UTC  

@JoJo, Kомик
You cool with me calling you a child rapist then?

2019-11-23 21:41:19 UTC  

Jojo not blocked

2019-11-23 21:41:24 UTC  

Me too @The Bitter Draught
I got his entire series
After like 6 months of reading I'm halfway through haha

2019-11-23 21:41:50 UTC  

The nazis are blocked. I dont need to have the same conversation every day

2019-11-23 21:42:03 UTC  


2019-11-23 21:42:10 UTC  

Is a nazi

2019-11-23 21:43:12 UTC  

Yeah @The Bitter Draught
I always say I don't agree with the left on censorship
But after having the 50th conversation in a row derailed by white nationalists trying to make everything about race
I'm not saying I agree, but I get it

2019-11-23 21:44:04 UTC  


2019-11-23 21:44:35 UTC  

politics stems from culture and culture stems from biology

2019-11-23 21:44:35 UTC

2019-11-23 21:44:43 UTC  

Weird flex...

2019-11-23 21:44:56 UTC  

They are free to speak their minds I wouldn’t ask them to be removed. But I have control over my eyeballs

2019-11-23 21:45:18 UTC  

I agree

2019-11-23 21:46:24 UTC  

I am about halfway through Lovecraft myself

2019-11-23 21:46:35 UTC  

Lol. Imagine bragging about being a coward...

2019-11-23 21:46:36 UTC  

I bought the book in 2006

2019-11-23 21:46:57 UTC  

I just don't like the way our side feels like it's starting to fracture. It was never perfect but, god, it seems like the kind of divisive shit that shitheels like Mersh and Royce do is becoming more and more common. It's depressing.

2019-11-23 21:47:23 UTC  

King it’s just a few trolls the rest are fine

2019-11-23 21:47:39 UTC  

I understand
It gets kind of repetitive though
And really boring real quick

Sometimes I want to just have a conversation about health care or something
Without it becoming a discussion about how the Jews or the [REDACTED] are responsible for everything
Every single time
Like seriously, chill out and just talk like normal people sometimes @McFansy

2019-11-23 21:47:52 UTC  

>join server
>air lolberg opinions
>have people argue
>talk about how you understand censorship because you don't like arguing
>our side is falling apart

2019-11-23 21:48:05 UTC  

ok boomer

2019-11-23 21:48:12 UTC  

@JoJo, Kомик you were the one to come in hot about clowns and shit

2019-11-23 21:48:14 UTC  

Ok boomer

2019-11-23 21:48:15 UTC  

Ok boomer

2019-11-23 21:48:41 UTC  

Ok Boomer

2019-11-23 21:48:54 UTC  

>my ideas being challenged is scary...

2019-11-23 21:48:55 UTC  

Free-speech is messy it’s up to the individual what they want to hear

2019-11-23 21:49:04 UTC  

And listen to

2019-11-23 21:49:08 UTC  

t. Coward

2019-11-23 21:49:12 UTC  

sure but y'all joined this server

2019-11-23 21:49:42 UTC  

I'm not complaining about what you guys are saying. I'm strictly talking about the infighting.

2019-11-23 21:49:48 UTC  

We're in this together.

2019-11-23 21:49:53 UTC  

why is that bad?

2019-11-23 21:49:56 UTC  

The left is the enemy. Not eachother.

2019-11-23 21:50:07 UTC  

Until Day of the Pillow, maybe.

2019-11-23 21:50:11 UTC  

I equate the national socialists with the left