Message from @Hastur

Discord ID: 656094461792878602

2019-12-16 04:29:14 UTC  

people seem to forget that Russia was once one of the cultural capitals of the world until those damn liberals killed the Tsar.

2019-12-16 04:36:38 UTC  

McFansy is a Russian Bot™️

2019-12-16 04:39:11 UTC  

This is true, it was my influence in the election that swung it over to Trump. Your Welcome

2019-12-16 04:39:42 UTC  

So Zion Don is your fault?

2019-12-16 04:40:14 UTC  

for that I will give you a free 8gb DDR3 1600 RAM to help you bot more in 2020

2019-12-16 04:40:37 UTC  

Yes, I'm sorry

2019-12-16 04:48:25 UTC  

A couple people on this server are bots believe it or not.

2019-12-16 04:48:46 UTC  

But we're from rival botting firms so we don't work together, in case you were wondering.

2019-12-16 04:49:21 UTC  

McFansy's guys are hacks I heard, they keep using paid facebook style bullshit, where the real money is in 4chan and Resetera.

2019-12-16 04:50:43 UTC  

I doubt matt actually reads this but he should stretch out the sugartits outro and play a compilation of meetup pics from the previous week

2019-12-16 04:53:40 UTC  


2019-12-16 04:53:44 UTC  

Thats an awesome idea.

2019-12-16 04:53:52 UTC  

Like make an outro compilation?

2019-12-16 04:59:26 UTC  

that'd be cool

2019-12-16 05:15:31 UTC  

@Legalize sooo can I get a Teenage Wasteland remix link?

2019-12-16 06:24:44 UTC  

@Unironic Ohio Supremecist loved your donations tonight. Blonde actually read them all out tonight!

2019-12-16 06:40:38 UTC  

Thanks leaf.

2019-12-16 06:48:08 UTC  

"1 million illegal immigrants a year" I don't know where they got that number from, but it's probably way higher considering every group that's done research who's not the US Government says the number of illegals is 50-60, and at the very least double the 22 million the government counts.

2019-12-16 11:23:16 UTC  

So, my girlfriend has two kids, 17 and 15, and after spending time with them, and the older one's significant other, it gives me genuine hope for the future.

2019-12-16 11:23:36 UTC  

These kids are so fucking based, it blows my mind.

2019-12-16 11:25:09 UTC  

I was born in 87, so I'm peak Millenial, and I wish we were half as red pilled as these Zoomers. We were too busy screaming for socialism to see we were on the wrong side of history.

2019-12-16 11:38:19 UTC  

@Hastur Does your gf have an AARP membership?

2019-12-16 11:50:35 UTC  

@FitnessByHeatherHeyer No, she's on the younger side of Gen X. Turns out they also had an issue with getting knocked up as teenagers... >_>

2019-12-16 12:40:47 UTC  


2019-12-16 13:43:42 UTC  

Giggidy Goo.

2019-12-16 14:03:03 UTC  

Now let us commence the most pointless week of work of the year

2019-12-16 14:27:50 UTC  

@Hastur the children are our future.

2019-12-16 14:28:06 UTC  

@Hastur what makes them based?

2019-12-16 14:30:00 UTC  

I was born in ‘82 so I went through most of the same millenial shit you did. It is amazing how much experimentation society did to our generation and how fucked up it was.

2019-12-16 14:31:13 UTC  

I remember getting a trophy for T-ball despite our team being dead last. The school just budgeted enough for everyone to get trophies. Even at the time I thought the trophy was basically meaningless because we didnt earn it

2019-12-16 14:33:41 UTC  

And men on TV throughout the 90’s were either bumbling idiots or infused with soy.

2019-12-16 15:56:42 UTC  

Oh come on, everyone gets a trophy is just a meme with a different meaning. If you're playing t-ball then your eight-year-old emotional ass should get a trophy just for playing, you're there to have fun not be a competitive athletes

2019-12-16 15:57:54 UTC  

The kids who are any good will go on to play in middle school and high school anyways, getting a trophy isn't going 2 deter that athletic drive or ability. Out of an entire t-ball team there might be one or two kid to actually play for a school.

2019-12-16 16:53:04 UTC  

Just found the song linked in description but I SWEAR I never saw it there before, but here it is on YouTube.

2019-12-16 17:36:04 UTC  

anyone else ever hang out with people, excuse yourself to take a fat shit, get on your phone on the toilet and forget your friends are waiting for you in the restaurant?

2019-12-16 17:42:19 UTC  

I had a thought on the Greta thing just now, that it's not about the elite virtue signalling it's about them grabbing power.
What she is doing is pushing them to take action and when a government "takes action" it always means more laws and more taxes
they're basically grabbing more and using a child so anyone who questions it can be called a child hating bully

2019-12-16 17:45:22 UTC  

what is presented as a little girl shaming the elite is really the elite using a little girl to shame the public into compliance

2019-12-16 17:47:46 UTC  

Question: What is the difference between drag queens and blackface

2019-12-16 17:48:13 UTC  

about $10 an hour

2019-12-16 17:48:29 UTC  

You nailed it on the head with Greta

2019-12-16 17:48:39 UTC  

Shes a tool for more state control