Message from @The Bitter Draught

Discord ID: 666986908475457546

2020-01-15 04:21:56 UTC  

she won't stop

2020-01-15 04:21:57 UTC  


2020-01-15 04:22:10 UTC  

people on her behalf now who see the world the way she does won't stop

2020-01-15 04:23:48 UTC  

eventually, we'll end up like Canada

2020-01-15 04:24:24 UTC  

if you want to take your kid to therapy before committing to transitioning them, you could get your kid taken away by the state

2020-01-15 04:27:58 UTC  

@Myth quick little thing use the video with the clips.

2020-01-15 04:28:04 UTC  

not just the audio

2020-01-15 04:38:01 UTC  

Canada does all this with the genuine intent that they are promising people their utmost freedom of choice and i do not believe there is malice behind it. Too much freedom. But not enough sense.
But what do i know, just a leaf.

2020-01-15 04:42:55 UTC  

I cant say with sincerity that it is purely pandering or a type of munchausen. It might just be my girl brain but the mom might just be misinformed of what true “trans” kids are -Leaving aside the debate whether people are trans or not-.
I do think canadian government and media needs to stfu or we will end up with Jessica Yaniv. Who talks like my mother. Exact same politics.

2020-01-15 04:50:45 UTC  

I respectfully think their freedom of choice attitude towards this, then, which I seriously doubt it could be that sentiment in this kind of ruling, is inherently blocking the freedom for parents to choose how to shape their children's beliefs and moral values. But that's just me. Definitely agree with your last point tho

2020-01-15 05:04:09 UTC  

But that’s exactly why i dont think there is malice but rather it all comes down to that over saturation of “be yourself” existing in every piece of media for an entire generation. Everyone is a winner, be true yo yourself, love yourself fuck the man you do you kinda shit. Lack of any understanding of the importance to listening to authority or listening to a higherpower ie god -not thati myself am god fearing-
Not sure if that kind fleshes out what im saying

2020-01-15 05:05:09 UTC  

They dont think the parents have the authority because parents will not allow the children to be themselves~~~*****

2020-01-15 05:07:50 UTC  

Can anyone tell me what the song was at the end of the most recent call-in show?

2020-01-15 05:08:17 UTC  

Or where I can find out? I didn't see anything on the website. Thanks!!

2020-01-15 05:27:09 UTC  

@Fondboy bruh you dead?

2020-01-15 05:33:12 UTC  

Thought this was interesting too

2020-01-15 07:42:37 UTC  

Hope yall are having a good damn night

2020-01-15 08:51:42 UTC  

you too man

2020-01-15 12:47:26 UTC  


2020-01-15 12:47:50 UTC  

Getting on train can’t voip @Catboi

2020-01-15 12:50:38 UTC  

It takes thousands of papers to arrive at the approximation of truth

2020-01-15 15:10:25 UTC  

To the cuck who got triggered yesterday, because @Legalize started talking about pens

2020-01-15 15:10:35 UTC  

You the real libertarian

2020-01-15 16:01:14 UTC  

@Zoey I think a lot of trans men are autistic enough they are uncomfortable with their body (and who isnt during puberty?), get the message women>men, and are socially disconnected enough they make the logical choice to change because they're not socially grounded enough to see the long term negatives.

2020-01-15 16:01:56 UTC  

Throw in some early life abuse.

2020-01-15 16:02:01 UTC  

And we got a stew going.

2020-01-15 16:25:51 UTC  

Damit can't find out about this phase I trade deal with China till about noon est

2020-01-15 17:19:12 UTC  

stop talking Trump sign the deal so we can read what is in this deal...

2020-01-15 17:30:12 UTC  

Lol no one got triggered except Legalize.

I called rights negative and him and his buttbuddy got angry lol

2020-01-15 17:31:43 UTC  

Which was kinda weird considering I didn't insult anyone, plus someone else joined the chat and said that rights are negative so then I got a lecture on how it was stupid.

Basically, lots of projection apparently

2020-01-15 17:32:55 UTC  

Apparently, I also record conversations? It was a weird argument

2020-01-15 17:38:43 UTC  

> I called rights negative and him and his buttbuddy got angry lol

in the sense of being a bad thing or to differentiate between the classes of rights?

2020-01-15 17:40:37 UTC  

All I said was that it was negative in a response to viv yelling at matt with a poorly constructed syllogism. Then I got accused of recording convos, never got an explanation of why it's a positive right and then on my 2nd drink I jist rolled with it lol

2020-01-15 17:41:54 UTC  

That 2nd amendment was a negative right and got called an idiot for an widely held opinion about the 2nd amendment, had to kinda tuck and run at that point. It was pretty entertaining though

2020-01-15 17:42:20 UTC  


2020-01-15 17:45:32 UTC  

i see, so negative rights (duty of noninterference) vs positive rights (obligation to act)

2020-01-15 17:45:52 UTC  


2020-01-15 17:46:22 UTC  

Gotta admit, Legalize and Catboi had some real zingers! Egads!

2020-01-15 18:34:49 UTC  

damn, I forgot I got called an ANCAP then a pure libertarian somehow lol. Dudes got really angry over a simple debate lol

2020-01-15 18:35:46 UTC  

@BernieBro why didn't you jump in last night. LOL