Message from @A. Spader
Discord ID: 667409438075912222
The irony...
Says the one who dismisses legitimate solutions to the effects of jewish sexual violence
I still have much to learn
It is legitimate. Stretch your dick
please educate me as to the natures of jewish sexual violence and how it is differentiated from standard sexual violence at a relevant capacity
Your dick will show you that I am right
>arbitration is a legitimate alternative to having any government
also why am I not surprised the coomer is a hardcore libertarian
Post nose.
The fact that you strawman proves you're insecure
@Unironic Ohio Supremecist I use my own photo on my channel
@A. Spader
I don't know about you, but I hope I was never this awful...
I have no idea what your channel is...
Stretching your dick isn't the same as masturbation
Low IQ inbred honkies
Jew confirmed.
When do you think you should let a woman you're interested in know that you stretch your dick? It's obviously exciting to them all around but when is the most potent opportunity?
Never, you shouldn't trust women
I see, fascinating
Right about that at least.
I have a kind of farfetched hypothetical. What if some group cares more about things like how they look or what geographic region they hail from than about your untenable moral precept?
Unlikely, I know...
Good ideas don't need terrorist monopolies
I have no patience for communists
Substantiate your claims, autist.
Voluntary association
All of it
Ever had sex, or do you only rape?
Prove your assertion.
It is proven
It's not.
It's not even suggested, tbh.
It's claimed. Nothing more.
You're either extremely stupid or extremely dishonest