Message from @UnrelatedComa

Discord ID: 670155100534210571

2020-01-24 06:31:43 UTC  

(NIAC) (Persian: شورای ملی ایرانیان آمریکا) is a nonprofit, civil society, NGO based in Washington, D.C. and is the largest organization representing people of Iranian Heritage in the United States.

2020-01-24 06:32:15 UTC  

@Dennis Or how about the Seattle shooters from yesterday. One was arrested 21 times, the other was arrested 44 times.

2020-01-24 06:32:43 UTC  

would you like to guess what ethnicity?

2020-01-24 06:33:10 UTC  


2020-01-24 06:33:34 UTC  

It's the worldview @McFansy and I started.

2020-01-24 06:33:56 UTC  

I don't care about economics anymore so eh, why not?

2020-01-24 06:34:01 UTC  

No wonder so much crime occurs in cities. Idk There should be a law for maximum number of arrests.

2020-01-24 06:34:18 UTC  

Really, it was more McFansy's thing.

2020-01-24 06:34:31 UTC  

I just kind of glommed on.

2020-01-24 06:34:32 UTC  

If you're found guilty through criminal courts 5 times, that's it. Life in prison. Done

2020-01-24 06:34:40 UTC  

@Dennis black privilege = committing mass amounts of crime and still given a chance.

2020-01-24 06:34:46 UTC  

In 2007, Arizona-based Iranian-American journalist Hassan Daioleslam began publicly asserting that NIAC was lobbying on behalf of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In response, Parsi sued him for defamation.

2020-01-24 06:35:10 UTC  

this NIAC organization spent 10 years suing this guy for saying reasonable things

2020-01-24 06:35:24 UTC  

@Dennis btw both those suspects are only 24 years old.

2020-01-24 06:35:33 UTC  

A March 2015 column by Eli Lake in Bloomberg View asserted that the emails showed cooperation between Parsi and the then Iran ambassador to the United Nations and current Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.[18]

2020-01-24 06:35:51 UTC  


2020-01-24 06:36:05 UTC  

I don't really care about any of that.

2020-01-24 06:36:38 UTC  

I just support whatever ideology is most oppressive to women at this point.

2020-01-24 06:36:46 UTC  

@@McFansy Omfg. That's so infuriating to hear about. 44 arrests in 24 years.

2020-01-24 06:37:02 UTC  

yeah but theres 52 weeks in a year

2020-01-24 06:37:06 UTC  

so thats like

2020-01-24 06:37:10 UTC  

The police probably knew him by name

2020-01-24 06:37:14 UTC  

@Dennis I doubt he was getting arrested much before 10. AND it was in fucking Seattle.

2020-01-24 06:37:21 UTC  

hundreds of weeks where he wasnt getting arrested

2020-01-24 06:37:40 UTC  

@UnrelatedComa you convinced me, we give him a 45th chance.

2020-01-24 06:37:41 UTC  


2020-01-24 06:38:12 UTC  

apparently this NIAC thing has current shit going on

2020-01-24 06:38:13 UTC  

In January 2020, three Republican senators Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz and Mike Braun claimed that NIAC and its sister organization NIAC Action have violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) and they are "amplifying regime propaganda in the United States". They requested the US Attorney-General William Barr to "evaluate whether an investigation of NIAC is warranted for potential FARA violations and to ensure transparency regarding foreign attempts to influence the US political process."[21][22][23]

2020-01-24 06:38:15 UTC  

But as long as he wanted to oppress women, he'd be welcome in the AnarchoCaliphate

2020-01-24 06:39:11 UTC  

so this non profit has been lobbying our politicians on behalf of Iran for like 20 years and a few of them are just now getting around to asking the FBI to look into it...

2020-01-24 06:40:09 UTC  

the individualist rises

2020-01-24 06:40:26 UTC  

wait, our politicians have been lobbied?

2020-01-24 06:40:38 UTC  

is nothing sacred?

2020-01-24 06:41:47 UTC  

@McFansy on behalf of foreign powers, not their constituents

2020-01-24 06:42:26 UTC  

I mean that law is broken all the time, why even have it? It's only used against the enemies of the people in power.

2020-01-24 06:42:59 UTC  

anarcho-tyranny and such

2020-01-24 06:43:04 UTC  

@Unironic Ohio Supremecist is this guy for real?

2020-01-24 06:44:51 UTC  

AIPAC isn't registered, so why should I care about an Iranian non-profit?

2020-01-24 06:45:48 UTC  

what if i told you.... its possible to oppose both

2020-01-24 06:48:37 UTC  

oppose all you want. "It's rules for thee but not for me."

2020-01-24 06:52:00 UTC  

In practicality, AIPAC will never have to register. The only way to level the playing field is no registration for anyone.