Message from @Windatica
Discord ID: 275814439469711360
Is everyone in here like really conservative or something
casio lol
I live in Texas and the stuff i see in here almost mirrors everyday life lol
t. superliberal
4chan is just shades of /pol/
suki zhan
Thats not you
what do you mean its not me?
meet me outside
did i buy a knockoff battery
it says it's li-poly in battery info
whats going on
Welcome to the /csg/ server, @Deleted User!
Hello everybody
when we will see affordable chinese actioncams ?
>shlomo homeless
then where are they?
most of them look like shit
are you retarded or something
use the archive
it exists for a reason
I don't have the archive
you are what is wrong with our community
go to bed
@OFFICIAL UNITEDSTATES they exist already idiot
oh u wrote that windy
nice m8
showerhead has left!