Message from @donkeykickboxer
Discord ID: 364491952890183680
Heimbach is like .01% asian
Does that count
I'm sure if we dig into your past you aren't perfect either.
Does that matter or does winning for our children matter?
i think i'm pure White
I think I'm white too, I haven't seen an active nonwhite member
i've been doing genealogical research and i've not yet come across one non-White ancestor
With "allies" like these who needs enemies?
that was acerbic
Cease Hess good guy but clearly not whit
Says the guy wanting to beat and mace us
He's spanish. Many have slightly admixed lines.
I don't want to. I never had issue with Shield Wall until that guy wanted to stop Craig speaking up for a man not there to defend himself. You guys were morally in the wrong.
Accept it or not.
That wasn't the way to conduct your self running in and screaming
We are white man not niggers
Okay well good luck with your future endeavors. Roper let three speakers shit on Heimbach and said nothing. So it was approved of. That's all we need to know. We can be civil. But we won't tolerate this.
No would have said a thing if he just said his peace he's pretty smart on the bible he could have devated
I'm having some trouble following what's going on here
More 1.0 drama.
me too. all i know is infighting is not healthy
And infighting.
Robb, his sister, and some other boomer. All counter signaling Heimbach, TWP and even us on security for our look.
I hope Antifa drags them all out next year and breaks their hips.
i'd never cheer for antifa, not even in an "enemy of my enemy" sort of way
She bashed me for wearing a mask I stood up and disagreed with her made a stamen to the crowd
Those boomers are gay, bro.
Masks scare Antifa.
Yes they have there head up ther ass
But robb stamen was right
How was it right? Heimbach said at Pikeville mixed race couples should be in labor camps.
I have video.
@☦Colton of Yore☦ nyou didn't even listen to them you stayed outside most of there speaches
I agree the whole mask thing is bs which is why I stood up and spoke against its a conference
I heard all of Robb's. I mean it's just this simple. If you can't see it was a technicality Heimbach was arguing over in doctrine and that he does not approve of miscegenation I don't know what more to say. I wish Shield Wall the best. They clearly dislike us and we as men can't allow this kind of thing so why don't you vacate the group.
SW isn't NF anyway and won't be now for sure. I have no hostility, we can be civil and let it be what it is.
I lol you speak for nsm and Los now do ya
Hahah funny and I don't dislike you guy at all
I don't but believe me, it's pretty well unanimous. It's been discussed of course.