Message from @LustrousMandrill

Discord ID: 670800106886397982

2020-01-26 00:59:46 UTC  

after all, the state owned them, so they had to give them education to force them to work

2020-01-26 00:59:54 UTC  

I've heard that one as well

2020-01-26 01:04:51 UTC  

Ancom dude

2020-01-26 01:05:01 UTC  

should have just said anarchist my bad.

2020-01-26 01:09:51 UTC  

@⥌鬼気⥍ The state owning everyone is actually incompatible with communism, you're thinking of fascism

2020-01-26 01:13:05 UTC  

@LustrousMandrill Please tell me how Communism _isn't_ fascist 😂

2020-01-26 01:13:33 UTC  


2020-01-26 01:13:36 UTC  


2020-01-26 01:13:42 UTC  

Are you trolling lol

2020-01-26 01:14:47 UTC  

I'm curious what definition you use wrongly, the communism or the fascism one

2020-01-26 01:15:01 UTC  

coz there's no version of communism that isn't fascist

2020-01-26 01:15:18 UTC  

from the USSR to current China

2020-01-26 01:15:47 UTC  

I don't know about you, but to me a classless and stateless society seems very different from a highly authoritarian and nationalistic state

2020-01-26 01:16:03 UTC  

The USSR and China have never been communist societies

2020-01-26 01:16:22 UTC  

It seems that it's you who has the wrong definition of communism

2020-01-26 01:18:03 UTC  

I'm surprised, your wrong definition is of communism and not of facism. I kinda expected you to go the nazi route and say that "it isn't true fascism" if there wasn't any flavor of racial superiority to it

2020-01-26 01:18:28 UTC  

"a classless and stateless society seems very different from a highly authoritarian and nationalistic state"
Genius, I would like to know what made you reach such conclusion

2020-01-26 01:19:06 UTC  

So then our disagreement here is just on the definition of communism

2020-01-26 01:19:10 UTC  

you can only keep a society classless by force, and you can't do it without a state

2020-01-26 01:19:50 UTC  

anarcho-communism has to assume that everyone agrees with you

2020-01-26 01:20:08 UTC  

Why don't you give me your definition of communism if you think I've got it wrong because I don't think you'll be able to provide me with a coherent definition if you think the USSR and China are communist societies

2020-01-26 01:21:13 UTC  

you can't have communism without a big state, also authoritarian, otherwise it wouldn't be communism for a long time

2020-01-26 01:22:11 UTC  

there also is close to no private ownership, and seizing of property is a thing if the state so decides

2020-01-26 01:23:15 UTC  

the only version of communism that isn't fascist is an anarcho-communism where everyone agrees to play with it. It's even more of an utopia than the typical communism

2020-01-26 01:23:26 UTC  

So to you, communism is just when an authoritarian state significantly limits private property rights?

2020-01-26 01:23:49 UTC  

I wouldn't define it just by that

2020-01-26 01:24:08 UTC  

but imo there can't be any communism without an authoritarian state

2020-01-26 01:24:21 UTC  

Anarcho-communism is technically the only kind of communism, and is generally the end goal for anyone who calls themself a communist

2020-01-26 01:24:32 UTC  

it would also have to be nationalistic, otherwise it wouldn't be communist for long

2020-01-26 01:24:52 UTC  

Even MLs will tell you that the USSR had not yet achieved communism and was in a transitional state

2020-01-26 01:25:12 UTC  

What you're saying is inherently contradictory

2020-01-26 01:25:19 UTC  

@LustrousMandrill I'm ok with that version of communism. It only works at small scale and small communities anyway

2020-01-26 01:25:40 UTC  

You're basically saying "you can't maintain a stateless society without an authoritarian state"

2020-01-26 01:25:59 UTC  

the only think contradictory is that you are calling Anarcho-communism, just communism

2020-01-26 01:26:08 UTC  


2020-01-26 01:26:10 UTC  


2020-01-26 01:27:03 UTC  

If you don't think communism means a stateless, classless society, you haven't yet provided your alternative definition - you've listed characteristics that you consider to be associated with it, but you even said yourself that you wouldn't define communism based on those characteristics

2020-01-26 01:27:51 UTC  

I told you from the start. Communism was never stateless

2020-01-26 01:28:16 UTC  

and I explained exactly why it can never be

2020-01-26 01:28:50 UTC  

to have true redistribution, you are required to do it by force, otherwise you would never have redistribution

2020-01-26 01:30:22 UTC  

Anarchists and other communists like MLs share the same end goal of the classless, stateless society, they just disagree on how to get there - "communism was never stateless" is once again a contradiction, because a society that isn't stateless can't be communistic