Message from @thedarkness05
Discord ID: 672865608693579776
Morning Kings
Cold, bit windy. Perfect day imo. Wish it was about 50° and overcast
Snowing in OH
@Bodark Actual sure is. I hate it. Gonna be in a cold ass crawl space for about 6 more hours too
I think it is supposed to rain today too lol
What's the temp like in ohio?
@Deadbeat Radio if @Bodark Actual is there, hot👉👌
@Bodark Actual prolly means I'm gonna get that too
@Deadbeat Radio it is gonna get to 37
Yeah. But at least tomorrow has a high of mid 40s
@thedarkness05 you in the land of heroin too?
I mean yeah, technically. DEA has labeled my area as a high drug trafficking area so
I have arrived
Damnit another fed?
call me a fed again and see what happens
@swiggity I'm Yan/k/ee dude
ok i cry now
You in good company
Dark man said you cool
oh shit im cool
this is news
My nigga
Yee yee
you motherfucker
Swig makes fire edits tho
i try my best
And thats why you got the ninja zucc
i usually make them while super drunk and high at 2am and wake up having forgotten i made them in the first place
so i have to remember to check my edit file every morning to make sure i didnt make anything the night before lol