Message from @Drunk Octopus
Discord ID: 288799433980641281
ive installed ubuntu a couple times
i havent switched YET mainly due to my image files
ubuntu is for girls
you can learn anything in a week, mastery takes forever
we both know you arent a girl
in my heart I am
>considered suicide
lmao im a cishet male and I consider suicide more often than that
DrunkOctopus - Today at 4:23 PM
in my heart I amDrunkOctopus - Today at 4:24 PM
>considered suicide
lmao im a cishet male
really gets my gnoggin
uhm chink related stuff here prease
Transfags need to go away back to /lgbt/ where they belong
Where's the bot to purge all this
Well a lot of chinks are trannies
no they're not
This is fucking gay is what it is. Cut it out.
So is Singaporepost, when the fuck did my Miband 2 go to the Bermuda triangle?
SunYou post is the real bermuda triangle
legit had stuff never turn up with them
Singapore just takes ages
where can i buy radios
and scanners
radioshack and scannershack
i dont want to buy from people who put tracking devices in radios
nothanks cia
I remember there being a radio general on /g/, hang on
it was like /ham/ or something
hmm nothing at the moment
keep an eye out and ask them
I want to be able to scan plane radios
you'd need a decent antennae
or dish