Message from @BasedWhiteGoy
Discord ID: 376552598330933248
Why isn't Rhino TWP already?
the patriot groups outnumbered them in many place
no rahowa happening today
Awwe @☦Colton of Yore☦ you want me in TWP? ❤
You a good boy. Ain't scared of a fight.
Alright guys these dumb racists dont know im antifa super soldier yet lmao fucc racisms lel.
Oops wrong chat
Told you shit wouldn't happen.
i honestly wish shit would have happened to accelerate
They forgot their rain boots guys give em a chance
but this is just a disappointment
Bad optics on their end. Sad!
american antifa are pussies, can we trade american antifa with european antifa so we at least have stronger opponents
Well either way at one of em they had like 20 people and 300 of trump supporters and ex military showed up 😂
Terrible optics.
I dunno, our antifa is pretty gay too.
i heard european antifa was more hardcore
One got one kick in the chest and died.
Euro Antifa is said to use aids needles.
Yeah, I was in court, dead antifa's commie junkie buddy asked with a straight face what's wrong with using buprenorphine, even reporters laughed at him.
I'm an Antifa super soldier also.
guys we let a bunch of soyboys prank us in to thinking that today was the beginning or RaHoWa
nice prank antifa
well played
Random user. Jesus.
What? I'm scary too.
Your name lol
I'm actually a red. Think about it. Wouldn't it make awful lot of sense?