Message from @dave
Discord ID: 304703809412923407
I've had the same thing happen when buying from chinese places
any openings or stickers on the rear of the S5?
looks like you'll have to pry off the black stuff on the front
to get it open
might be glued, use hairdrier for a few minutes + sharp (plastic) knife
Is that a music player?
Chinese stuff is usualy assembled cheaply, are there any visible screws or seams?
Why do you actually want to open it up in the first place?
" david: bc i literally only have to resolder the jack or buy another one"
broken headphone jack
I thought that was something else my bad
are motospeed mice/keyboards good?
yeah, the back seems like theres no way in
i've tried prying it open
Is there a seam?
Did you pry at the glass?
nah, too risky, tried the back
its metal/plastic at the back
It is probably snapped or glued together
Did you check for screws under any stickers?
ripped every sticker off when i got it, there's no screws anywhere
imma ask on /csg/
Who actually owns this server?
how do you copy the address of a particular post in a thread on 4chan
existential questions
right click the post number
and copy link
As in the No.
hopefully some fag answers before i go sleep
I remembered it was # something
Wait who was that trap/grill from cgl who got the pepe shirt
nvm found it on ali