Message from @🚂Quatroking🚂 (🇳🇱)
Discord ID: 312585338801618946
i got my mom a chinese phone that was supposedly tmobile lte, but highest it had was edge
this is american speak
makes no sense to me lel
anyway what phone was it
mm everyone seems to buy their mommas xiaomi phones
including me
i think i got my mum one of the first xiaomi phones to exist
xiaomi redmi 1
it still werks and everything today
but i got her an mi5 as a gift recently
Late 2013, that's early in the chinkshit game
my parents are still stuck in that fucking "hey lets buy a phone/tablet that's 100 euros on the market" "wtf why is our phone so shit after half a year" phase
yep that was what got me into chink shit man
that xiaomi phone impressed me
meanwhile my moto g2 that I bought for 180 bucks still works fine with the exception of the battery
well i bought it in 2014 when it wasnt just released
but ye it was super cheap and awesome
my phone has a removeabel abattery
so i bought a spare 2nd battery
but its kinda half faulty
it holds a small charge..
i couldnt be fucked disputing it on ali
I can replace the battery if I want to but I'd have to remove like 20 screws and stuff
was only 5 bux or something like that
plus the battery is like 60 bucks
my phones a random brand so i wanted to secure a spare battery bfore peeps stopped sellin it
but i can still buy another spare one for now
just cbf
actually 70 bucks because of VAT
hers is a random brand "cayon"
is that your phone?
thats the phone my mom uses
is it marketed in america?