Message from @AlbumONLY
Discord ID: 312588286902272000
yep i had one man
tegra chips
I think tegra
tegra k1 then tegra k2
I was right :p
havent heard anything since
tegra k69 soon ™
>32gb of ram in android phone
i thought all 14 y/os just stop at /b/
or go to reddit
reddit = cancer
>iphone with 1gb of ram still beats it
temp == furrys ( im referring to gbatemp )
oh right btw we were talking about hdd's a while ago
4chan = at least funny and informative at *some points*
I got another 3TB in my server
your harddrives are hot
i think mine are always like 20 degrees
i could be wrong though
yeah my pc has shit cooling
hold on
im trying to find my 14 year old ban me post
Man I should really clean my pc
I havent cleaned it in 2 years
physically clean?
Been lazy
No its in dust
ive cleaned my pc once only and its 5 years
and ye i just got a vaccuum cleaner
apparently youre not supposed to do that
cos it can fry your shit
Youre not
Buy canned air
it works fast though
also I know im on windy 7