Message from @Laasti

Discord ID: 314800165443731456

2017-05-18 16:15:21 UTC  

I'm pretty sure it's autistic kids or russians or chinks trying to get ez views

2017-05-18 16:20:23 UTC  


2017-05-18 16:21:06 UTC  

>made it into the op

2017-05-18 16:21:08 UTC  

normans get out

2017-05-18 16:21:08 UTC  

eyy I did it guys

2017-05-18 16:21:54 UTC  

also I hate that youtube is full of literal 8 year olds with their spinners but what can you expect

2017-05-18 16:21:56 UTC  

Anon's spinner autism flares high

2017-05-18 16:21:57 UTC  

found ya

2017-05-18 16:22:36 UTC  

[–]Erawkz Bronze Contributor[S] 32 points 3 months ago
Yeah, but some people are super against people buying clones. Personally, I'll never be able (or want) to spend $200+ on a legit Torqbar, so this works for me.
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>autism spinner elitism

2017-05-18 16:22:42 UTC  

oh my god haha

2017-05-18 16:22:45 UTC  

all I want is a useful spinner video on my youtube search results and not 20 videos of kids throwing them at the walls

2017-05-18 16:22:47 UTC  


2017-05-18 16:22:47 UTC  


2017-05-18 16:22:48 UTC  


2017-05-18 16:22:51 UTC  

go to that subreddit

2017-05-18 16:23:02 UTC  

i just googled torqbars

2017-05-18 16:23:07 UTC  

and the sub came up

2017-05-18 16:23:13 UTC  

I browse it occasionally for the memes

2017-05-18 16:23:24 UTC  

youre welcome

2017-05-18 16:23:28 UTC  

they unironically buy spinners that cost over100$

2017-05-18 16:23:42 UTC  

yeah that's legit autism

2017-05-18 16:24:03 UTC  

that's the autism people claim that spinners cure :^)

2017-05-18 16:24:11 UTC  

where did that meme even start

2017-05-18 16:24:23 UTC  

was it china who put that into the product descriptions or did they just spread it

2017-05-18 16:24:59 UTC  

probably china, but if I had to guess mostly kids and parents themselves so they had an excuse to take them to school

2017-05-18 16:25:34 UTC  

fun fact

2017-05-18 16:25:43 UTC  

most doctors are now agreeing that they don't help kids at all

2017-05-18 16:25:54 UTC  

hurr no shit

2017-05-18 16:26:34 UTC  

cause drugs net them more money 🤝

2017-05-18 16:27:09 UTC  

my aunt who works in public schools is saying that now kids are doing even stupider shit with them

2017-05-18 16:27:22 UTC  

they'll spin em on desks and shoot paper hornets at them

2017-05-18 16:27:26 UTC  

to see where they'll fly off to

2017-05-18 16:27:32 UTC  

and they often hit other kids

2017-05-18 16:27:59 UTC  

they're getting banned pretty quickly

2017-05-18 16:28:00 UTC  

that sounds pretty ebin

2017-05-18 16:28:21 UTC  

I expect the fad to die within a month or two

2017-05-18 16:28:42 UTC  

same but idc

2017-05-18 16:28:45 UTC  


2017-05-18 16:28:53 UTC  

i used them before it was cool and i will use them as long as i want

2017-05-18 16:29:02 UTC  

all the fad is good for is reselling them