Message from @IronVlach
Discord ID: 387004508724527105
antifa embarrsed themselves as always
You think the alt-right will actually find it in themselves to stop attacking Revolutionary National Socialists?
Define alt right
Allsup and futus I don't really care
The Spencerites and TRS
TRS has been in trad workers camp for a few months atleast
TRS started drifting toward amicable relations with us after the Ghoul incident.
Spencer IDK probably just stay cold
not to mention TRS throws erik stryker on there alot and erik is our guy litteraly
I doubt Heimbach will be invited to NPI again
Translation: they realized that right after having a core member exposed as a sodomite would be a bad time to countersignal
Spencer will be generously allowed at our 2018 national conference.
That's a good neg
Anyone want to voice?
@Spiritchef#2826 if they let heimbach speak at NPI who would join IE or buy pay altrightdotcoms membership
@parrott make sure to have him constantly surrounded by the worst optics possiblr
I volunteer to be on "standing behind him with a Swazi flag" duty
"How to convert Slavs to National Socialism in one image"
100% Disavowed
wtf why the american flag
bad optics
We just left a bikers for trump-hosted Roy Moore rally in Scottsboro,Al Confronted a jew larping as a Roy Moore supporter that tried copping an attitude , shouted down one of only two people protesting the event, and made the other one, a short lefty college chick kvetch by replying "thats awesome!" When she told my guys that Roy is a racist that supported segregation.
Also fun was our replacement of "star spangled banner" in the national anthem with the words "Con-fed-er-ate Banner" My good old fellow appalachian kin recognized my accent and confederate flag tie, and were very smilingly supportive. My only regret was no TWP cards to hand out on the low.
Good optics
Damn klan bro makes it to everything
There appears to be some confusion in some circles that requires clarification.
We accept sincerely reformed degenerates as full and equal members. We celebrate it when folks come a long way to get here.
Please don't waste our time over this. It's not up for debate or review.
Yeah it had to be said.
Niggas getting autistic over people not having been born heiling.
Hazel is already off to a bad start with her defiance of patriarchal authority.
Actually unless you have a clean moral slate, you're not allowed to be NS.
We're just racist boy scouts
@Yakub If you seek forgiveness from Christ and the Church for your sins and abandon degenerate behavior, I can't imagine how that isn't a clean moral slate.
We are all children of Weimerica.
We all have our journey from normie bluepilled fuck or social outcast to here, today: reborn nationalists.
We must rebuild a broken ethos and reforge a soul starved people.